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Jun 19th 2023
#bokuaka #bkak

Keiji was sitting in the living room of his and Koutarou’s shared apartment, reading a book and having a glass of wine. His favourite way to spend a quiet friday night. Koutarou was on a team bonding trip with the Jackals and wasn’t due home til Sunday +
Keiji couldn’t wait to have him back. It was only two weeks, but sue him if he wasn’t a little obsessed. He was currently wearing one of Kou’s t-shirt’s and some boxers, he usually lounged around in his husband's clothing when he wasn’t home. Made him feel less lonely +
Keiji took another sip of wine, setting the glass down when he heard the door being opened. He sat up on the couch and watched the door in surprise.

Koutarou walked in and shut the door behind him, eyes searching and landing on Keiji;

ah, his star was home
Read 45 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
#BokuAka NSFW

Keiji’s been thinking about this moment all day.

Thinking about Bokuto naked, every inch of him nude for Keiji’s eyes, his own body waiting and begging for the precise moment when Bokuto will slip inside him.

There’s a pillow clutched to Keiji’s chest,+
arms folded around it, mouth resting against the cotton. He’s ready to use it to stifle his obscene moans. To cling to some kind of decorum before he’s tossing it to the side, letting himself be as whoreish as he needs, lifting his ass higher as he turns to+
look over his shoulder with lowered lids. Needing to be sure Bokuto can see how easy he is for him, see how he flushes and trembles and keens as he begs to be taken harder.

Bokuto’s on his knees behind him, those big hands framing Keiji’s waist, practising how they will hold +
Read 12 tweets
May 8th 2023
#BokuAka NSFW

Bokuto training to be the best he can be. So he can stay at the top of his game. So he can compete on the biggest of stages.

But he also does it so he can make easy work of lifting his 6 foot husband, so he can carry and hold and flip Akaashi as they have sex.+
Because Bokuto just can’t get enough of the arousal in Akaashi’s eyes as he throws him on the bed, how those long legs instinctively fall open for him at the display of strength.

He’s addicted to just how loudly Akaashi moans when Bokuto lifts him so effortlessly,+
pinning him against the wall as his husband clings to his shoulder blades, nails embedded in Bokuto’s back, body clenching around him at how easily Bokuto holds them there.

He’s thrilled at how flustered and pliant and easy Akaashi becomes when he flips him.+
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18th 2023

(Nothing but your tshirt on)

//NSFW, mutual masturbation, mild dirty talk, Keiji wears a T-shirt and nothing else

Keiji is devastating at this moment. Just woken and standing in the bathroom at the sink, curls a dark mess, glasses slightly crooked on his nose.+
He’s wearing one of Koutarou’s T-shirts, body not filling it out quite so much, the black cotton of it fading to grey from continuous washing.

He’s completely naked apart from that T-shirt.

No shorts.

No underwear. +
And Koutarou knows this from the way he’s watching the hem like a man possessed. Because the tee is a touch longer on Keiji than it is on him, but it’s not quite long enough. It’s a blessed three inches too short, in fact. And those three inches are a gift to Koutarou,+
Read 71 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
#bokuaka sick fic, bokuto is a good bf 🥹

Keiji notices the vague ache in the back of his sinuses Friday morning. “No…no no no,” he chants under his breath, shoving some oranges and a packet of vitamin c immunity booster powder into his bag on his way out.

They don’t work.
Now it’s Saturday morning, and he’s slumped on his couch, shivering under a blanket and squinting at his work email through a stubborn headache.

He thought he was lucky, that he’d be able to keep chasing off being sick every time his nose of throat ached. How wrong he was.
He’s mid-sip of tea when his phone rings. A single glance at caller id makes guilt prick at him. “…Hello?”

“Keiji!! Are you sick?! What happened?!”

“Ah, Ko…wait, how do you know I’m sick?”

“Udai-san told me!”
Read 25 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
#BokuAka Akaashi taking the game for them with a perfect setter dump, so calm and calculated and exact. And Bokuto rushing him in a surge of joy and pride, roaring Akaashi’s name as he scoops him up, lifting him under the back of his thighs.

And Akaashi follows his lead,+
wrapping legs around Bokuto’s waist, arms around his neck, clinging to him. He lets himself be held there, breathing in the smell of Bokuto during a match. He’s not one to be loud, to be overly expressive or draw attention to himself. But playing alongside Bokuto,+
playing for Fukurodani, winning these kinds of victories; it releases something in him, his tendency to be well mannered and restrained falls away and feels a shout leave his own throat, hand punching the air, other gripping Bokuto’s hair+
Read 8 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
#BokuAka fluff, humor, thirsty!Akaashi, Bo knows and nearly blows it, set to Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" for @Rokuwhitefox

Akaashi doesn’t think that Kōtarō knows that he’s watching.

He doesn’t think that Kōtarō sees the way that his eyes widen
when Kōtarō arches his back as he goes up for a spike. He doesn’t think that Kōtarō hears the sharp intake of breath when his hand hits the ball. He doesn’t think that Kōtarō sees the slight flush of Akaashi’s ears when his shorts ride up and reveal that sliver of skin.
He doesn’t think that Kōtarō sees any of this.
But Kōtarō sees it. He sees it all. And he loves it.
Because he watches Akaashi all the time, too.

He watches the way that Akaashi’s sharp, steely blue eyes take in the court. He watches the way that Akaashi’s mouth moves
Read 77 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
#Bokuaka // NSFW // Fishnets

Akaashi rummages through his drawers, pulling out shirts and socks and clothing that are long past needing to be replaced. He checks the socks for holes and tosses the ones with them. He holds a shirt up to his chest, looking down before balling +
it up and throwing it into the pile next to him. He's been wanting to clean out his closet for a while, and with his vacation coming up he finally decided to procrastinate packing by doing this.
Akaashi pushes aside a clump of clothes, but his fingers snag on something and he +
stops. he pulls it out, the long stockings coming out like a thread from a sweater. He pulls it up over his head until it snaps free. He looks at them, brows bunched. Where did he get these?
Akaashi stares at them for a moment, and then it clicks. Kenma gave him them for his +
Read 60 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
#Bokuaka // First Kiss // suggestive

Akaashi's hand rolls with the wind as they drive. Bokuto's behind the wheel and there's an electric song on the radio. Akaashi kinda wishes they could play it on repeat. He wishes this could never end.
It was Bokuto's idea. To drive out+
to the coast. Akaashi's been upset and stressed about school now for a while, his finale year building on top of him. His shoulders have been heavy.
Akaashi watches the dim blue of the sky as the sun sets. There's no bright color sky, only a shadow of clouds and the mist of the +
ocean. He hasn't been here in years, the last time he was at the beach was a family vacation when he was younger. Either that or his middle school trip. It's crazy to think he didn't know Bokuto back then, and now... now he's dating him. It's actually been month since they +
Read 25 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
#Bokuaka // anxiety, confessions

Akaashi is notoriously afraid of planes. The shaking and trembling of his seat sends shock waves through him that make his heart thunder louder than any worldly collapse.
He grips into the arm rests, knuckles turning white. He holds his breath.+
And the only thought that races through his head is the sound of his laugh. He's stuck in his head and it's the only thing keeping the tears from perching on his lashes.
The plane shutters and bounces and Akaashi gasps, and almost whispers his name.
He's always loved his smile+
, the way it shines every time, even when talking about something dumb. It's the only thing that feels good when he's numb.
"Bokuto-san," Akaashi whispers, and his nails dig into the plastic. His heart races into his throat and Akaashi wants to sob. He wants to sob out of regret+
Read 17 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
“You still give me butterflies, my lullaby, you are everything I wanted.”

—from @maybeawriter25

sfw | #bokuaka #bkak | light fluff in their 60s

Koutarou couldn’t help the smile that blossomed on his wrinkled face. Not when it came to his Keiji.
His smile touched his golden eyes, all shiny and bright like the first day he laid eyes on Keiji. The moment their eyes locked from across the gym and Koutarou knew he would be his.

But here Keiji was, fifty years later, just as beautiful as he was as a teen.
Wrinkles, age spots, thinning hair and all.

“Kou, you’re staring again,” smiled Keiji when he caught him looking at him again. They were sitting on the porch of their home, just watching the sunset together. Keiji reached forward and took Koutarou’s hand in his.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
it’s so beautiful and very much inspired this 💕

\\ mild inferred nsfw

There’s half a second before Bokuto turns from the stove and Keiji can observe him from the doorway, leaning against the frame with his legs bare, wearing nothing but+
a MSBY jersey and satisfaction

As he watches him he thinks of himself at 16, when Keiji thought his love for another man, this man, would stay buried and shame ridden deep in his chest. All that adoration choked down, the desires sitting unrealised behind his eyelids+
He never dreamt of these easy mornings, where Bokuto would turn to look him as if Keiji’s were the second dawn

He never thought he’d wrap fingers around Bokuto’s thick forearm as food is pressed to his lips, bite after bite taken +
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
Part two! #BokuAka

This one is nsfw so mind that | possessiveness and claiming

Akaashi wears the necklace to school the next day. His mother thaught him that one of the best ways to show your appreciation to someone’s gift was to show it. Be it by wearing, using or eating it.
It depended on the gift of course.

So Akaashi didn’t even think twice to wear Bokuto’s necklace to school.

Maybe if he’d thought about it a little more he might have realized earlier on why it was such a big mistake.
But being totally honest, he was still clueless to hybrid’s courting and what courting usually changes in a hybrid’s personality.

Which is what leads him to the current predicament.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
(I’m most hallowed on my knees)

CW: NSFW, wet and messy, over stimulation, married bkak

Akaashi Keiji likes it on his knees.

It’s one of his favourite positions. He thrives in the hint of vulgarity of being taken crudely, of Bokuto filling him as deeply as possible,+
fucking him till his bones shake, elevating his usually quiet tones until they are loud and all encompassing.

He’s always so unhindered in these moments. Lost in his and Bokuto’s pleasure, allowing himself to have everything his body wants. And what he wants is Bokuto+
splitting him open, his own cock hanging heavy and swollen between his legs, trailing precome onto their sheets. He wants to feel Bokuto pounding against his prostate till his vision turns white, so he’ll come untouched;his pleasure reliant on his husband’s cock +
Read 47 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
#BokuAka Bokuto looking so good in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, strands of hair falling across his forehead slightly from where he washed it after practice. He rests his head in Akaashi’s lap, the soft orange light warming his face, turning his white eyelashes golden.+
He stretches, the hem of his sweatshirt lifting, powerful arm folding behind his head to curve around Akaashi’s hip. He grins, sinking deeper into ease when Akaashi’s palm caresses the exposed skin of his stomach. Eyelids heavy as Akaashi’s long fingers repeatedly trace the+
line of white hair that runs down his belly to vanish beneath the waistband of his sweatpants.

Bokuto looks up at him now in the same way he did at 18, always obvious in his want of Akaashi’s attention, always watching Akaashi with unbridled fascination.+
Read 7 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
#bokuaka | nsfw

keiji has an agenda.

an unwise agenda for his back maybe, but will be worth it nonetheless.

he needs koutarou to get mad at him.

like really mad. fisted hands, jaw clenching, fire in his eyes mad.

and he wants that man to rail him senseless.
because he got mad before.

and keiji got fucked like it. once.

koutarou got jealous of an author keiji was working with because they were spending late nights to finish chapters and when he boasted about their progress, something in koutarou snapped, the next thing keiji knew,
he was pinned to the wall with his boyfriend's tongue down his throat.

then it was relentless thrusting into keiji facedown on the bed, keiji moving his hips up and down riding koutarou, and lying on his back with legs on koutarou's shoulders as he came for a fourth time.
Read 50 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
#BokuAka, #bkak, fluff, coffeeshop au, ~1k words


The bell at the door rings as a customer enters and Akaashi doesn’t have to look up to know that it’s Bokuto that just came in.
“Good morning, Bokuto-san,” he says in a measured voice as he decants chocolate syrup into a squeezy bottle. He tries his hardest not to show just how much he’s vibrating with excitement, but it’s not like Bokuto will notice anyway. “The usual?”

He finally glances up and sees,
in all his glory, Bokuto with his sweaty, tousled hair, fitted tracksuit, and beaming smile.

“Hey, hey Akaashi!” Akaashi can’t help but let his eyes be drawn to the brightness of that grin. “The usual, yes, and also that chocolate chip cookie.”
Read 23 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
#BokuAka HC
Fluff, slightly suggestive

Akaashi has so many soft sweaters he wears in the colder half of the year. Some are tight and form fitting, perfectly hugging his waist and shoulders. Others are oversized and chunky, the big sleeves falling over the backs of his hands. +
The wool and cashmere complements Akaashi’s dark curls and glasses, accentuating his natural elegance. He dresses them up with plaid trousers and ankle boots, or down with Bokuto’s slightly-too-big-for-him sweatpants.+
Bokuto can’t get enough of Akaashi and the sweaters he wears. They all look so good on his husband and Bokuto loves every single one. Touching them constantly, knowing exactly how each one feels under his hands and cheek. Fingers playing with the weave of the fabric,tracing the+
Read 13 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
#bkak #bokuaka | slight nsfw, fluff

akaashi keiji (24) planned to surprise bokuto koutaro (32) for their 7th anniversary. he tried to search the internet for ways to do, and he stumbled upon a blog that says 'Anniversary Lingerie & Sexy Anniversary Gifts'. he was skeptical, +
yet he was feeling excited. he imagined what would be bokuto's reaction if he saw him wearing something bondage-esque as a surprise. the feeling was exhilarating yet nerve-wracking.

he opened the blog, and saw all types of lingerie. they looked so sinful, so provocative.
but he wanted to try something he never imagined he would do. something like wearing a skimpy underwear just to tease his man. so he decided to buy one. it was a white lacy crop-top type of lingerie, it has a veil too. he thought, it was more decent than the ones he saw.
Read 25 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
Wait okay unhinged thought please tell me if it’s been written but like night at the museum #krtsk #kurotsukki where tsukki is a new guard working the night shift and he absolutely loses his shit when everything comes to life. He almost quits especially after the mannequin of
Famed general kuroo tetsurou comes to life and harasses him all night. Enemies(more like spicy acquaintances) to lovers where he ends up realizing he has feelings for a kuroo tetsurou mannequin(!!) which is absurd enough cause does he like the actual man, a fake representation of
The man?? He’s very confused and tries to talk to the painting of literature legend akaashi keiji, when he comes across the previous night guards tanaka and nishinoya stealing the scroll that brings the museum to life. He’s not ready to lose kuroo and has to chase them down,
Read 9 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
#hqomegaverseweek2022 #bokuaka @HQomegaverse combo of Day 1/6 - fated mates/mpreg (very light) - hurt/comfort

Akaashi felt someone sit next to him but he didn’t looked up from the booties he was crocheting.
His hands rested on his small bump as he worked, every so often he’d feel a little movement and he’d smile.

“Your Alpha must be so proud of you,” the man next to him gestured at Akaashi’s hands. “You’re very talented.”
Akaashi couldn’t help the way his mouth twisted, and his scent soured. Before he could retort, the Alpha was already apologising. He snapped his head to look at the man next to him, his words were left stuck in his throat as he took in the most beautiful man he’d ever seen.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
#bokuaka // light angst, early-ish relationship

"Bokuto, I– I think we should break up."

The statement comes seemingly out of nowhere.
/Out of nowhere/ because Keiji and Koutaro have been attached at the hip all day, running errands, watching movies, practicing tossing in Koutaro's back yard, making out in bed, and now, making dinner in Koutaro's kitchen.

/Seemingly/ because they've been through this before.
"Is that something you want?" Koutaro asks gently. He turns to face Keiji, offering him his full, undivided attention as he leans his hip against the countertop. He reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind Keiji's ear.

Keiji sighs softly and looks down at his hands briefly +
Read 27 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
#bokuaka // pre-relationship

"'Kaashi, what's your favorite flower?"

Akaashi doesn't look up from his textbook when he answers; he taps his pencil at the corner of the page he's reading, "Tulip," he says simply.
Bokuto watches him quietly from his bed. They're at the Bokuto family home, studying for finals that are quickly approaching. (Akaashi is studying Statistics; Bokuto is, apparently, studying Akaashi).

"Yes, Bokuto-san," Akaashi says absently. He flips a page in his textbook and scribbles out a new problem in his notebook.

"That can't be true."

Akaashi lifts his head to glance at Bokuto who has fixed him with an unreadable expression.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
#Bokuaka // Nightmares// fear

Akaashi has nightmares. Bokuto knows this, but even still it surprises him when he feels him move in the bed.
He'll start gasping, and Bokuto will turn over, trying to wake him. He'll put a hand to his shoulder and squeeze, sometimes to his hip, +
sometimes to his cheek. But will always reach for him knowing that when his eyes open he'll be searching for his hand.
"Keiji," Bokuto whispers, sitting up in their bed, half naked in the dark leaning over his husband. "Keiji wake up."
Akaashi's hand clutches into the pillow+
case, eyes squeezed shut and tears dripping from his lashes. His mouth is open, but no air is choked through his lungs. He's silent in his suffering.
Bokuto lays down. Sometimes it's no use, he can't wake him and he's forced to wait. Bokuto can't ever sleep when this happens. +
Read 12 tweets

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