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Dec 13th 2019
#london RT to restart campaign to leave the UK.

Remember #Scotlond? Maybe it's just my Scottish heritage, but it feels like we share more with #SNP than we do with the (average*) of the rest of the UK.
*I'm sorry English #Remainers, I know you're stuck with them, empathy.
London and Scotland are #taxationwithoutrepresentation, dragged from EU against our will. We are the new #BostonTeaParty and the #NewEnglishEmpire is just as arrogant today as the old one was 246 years ago on 16th December.

Time WE took back control.…
Despite what tory offshore owned tabloids say, London has some of the most deprived areas in the UK. It shares a long history of financial services and entrepreneurship with Scotland and similar politics
And best of all - together we are 20% of the UK, but 30% of tax revenues
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