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Jan 11th 2020
Aamir Khan feels unsafe to live in India, Farhan Akhtar protests #CAA_NRC without knowing the facts & Deepika Padukone shows up at JNU to support Aishe Ghosh. It can’t be a coincidence and it’s not. They are all managed by a Mumbai based company - Spice PR πŸ‘‡#DeepikaPRBackfires
This is how the PR machinery works. They have creatives, content, strategy all figured out much before the actual event. Right after Deepika left from JNU, the following creatives started floating on SM platforms like Twitter, FB, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. #DeepikaPRBackfires
Soon within 24 hours #ISupportDeepika was trending at No. 1 in India with 236K tweets and No. 3 in Worldwide trends with 234k tweets. But how did they get so many tweets in 24 hours when #BoycottChhaapaak was trending at No. 2 with just 177K Tweets? Weird no? #DeepikaPRBackfires
Read 17 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
Many IT cell members have booked and cancelled exact same ticket for #Chappak #boycottchhapaak
Gold - A10, A8, A9 πŸ™†πŸ™†
Few more... πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
Few more #Chhapaak
Read 5 tweets

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