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We will be live-tweeting tonights Tower Hamlets Development Committee meeting where they will decide whether to approve the Truman Brewery's plans to build a shopping mall and corporate offices on #BrickLane

You can watch proceedings here from 6:30PM:…
A reminder from Bangladeshis across the world on why #BrickLane matters to them and the wider Bengali community.

Councillors present at the previous planning meeting and inside the council hall will be allowed to vote on today's decision.
Read 15 tweets
Planters have been placed around #bricklane as #modalfilters. @TowerHamletsNow claims that local shops asked for it. But having asked around- the response is the same: "we didn't ask for it. First we heard about it was a leaflet last week, informing of this plan". #StreetspaceLDN
This no consult plan is to last till November to allow for "social distancing" and al fresco dining... UNTIL NOVEMBER?!

Residential side streets have become drop off and U-turn points.
Traffic will have make its way around already congested Commercial St. & Whitechapel High St.
There is also the option to make it Permanent after the 10 week period.
Businesses and locals are directing their anger at contractors installing the planters, when those who should be on the receiving end of that anger are no where to be seen.
Read 16 tweets
A thread on..
- English language Indian films
- "Hinglish" films
- Crossover films
- International films with Indian theme

..on digital platforms..
#TheHouseholder (1963) by Merchant - Ivory.

Feat. Shashi Kapoor, Leela Naidu, Durga Khote, Achla Sachdev, and Harindranath Chattopadhyay among others.

#ShakespeareWallah (1965) by Merchant - Ivory.

Feat. Shashi Kapoor, Felicity Kendal @madhurjaffrey Geoffrey Kendal, Utpal Dutt, Pinchoo Kapoor and Partap Sharma.

Read 119 tweets

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