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Sep 24th 2020
"...the more impact one makes in the public eye, the more critics come challenge that impact. However, regardless of what naysayers think, BTS have proven their importance on a 🌍 scale, & dismissing the Korean band will not change that." @BTS_twt
"Despite these accomplishments showing how BTS have pushed through western gatekeepers, the group still faces xenophobia and microaggressions outside of South Korea."

@bts_twt #BTSResearch
"On a macro-level, @bts_twt have shown their importance. They broke into the 🌍 music industry, repeated their success, & are sought after to speak about 🌍 issues. Refusing to acknowledge that does not make the band any less important, +"

Read 4 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
“Revenues from @BTS_twt activities account for just half our total revenues...We will help them grow as iconic artists, such as Rolling Stones or Metallica, who make 💵 from performing just once every couple of years.” -Han Park, Big Hit’s Investment & Strategy Head. #BTSResearch Image
"Big Hit has been building a business model to maximize profits even without its artists’ activities...The indirect participation events made up almost half of Big Hit’s revenue in the 1st quarter of this year, up from 31% in 2018."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
[During Enlistment]

"Big Hit believes it can generate a steady stream of revenue from BTS in many ways: through solo & smaller group performances; indirect participation through online concerts, mobile games & video content; as well as merchandise sales."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 7 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
"I don't think artists lose mkt. value because of their age. U2 isn't young anymore, but it's not lost its value, has is it? When @BTS_twt reaches their 30s, it will be possible to deliver age-appropriate msgs. & provide inspiration. Even when you're in your 50s [&] after that."
Since 2016, Big Hit Ent has been rapidly increasing.

Source: South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch Image
Big Hit Ent. Surpassing the BIG 3.

Statistics are from the year 2019.

Source: South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Who is behind the stage production for #BTS iHeartRadio Music Festival alongside Big Hit Ent.?

Meet ZanyBros.

Previously, they also helped in the filming of NMD, N.O., War of Hormone, Come Back Home.

Let's learn more about 📽️ production.
Thread below!

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
"Zanybros was founded in 2001, by director Hong Wonki and videographer Kim Junhong. This company is now one of the most distinguished MV production companies in Korea."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch Image
"They have collaborated with a plethora of artists including BTS, GG, TVXQ & etc. for video production & attained international fame with their quality creations. So far, the pair has filmed nearly 1,500 videos."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 13 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
The 'Hallyu Wave' has a significant impact on popular culture.

@gideonlasco piece "BTS: Toward an anthropology of K-pop" reflects about how there is a growing scholarship on 'fandom studies' using #BTS as an illustrative example.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSxKCulture Image
With the rise of the 'Hallyu Wave' many are "venturing into intersections of age, class, gender, ethnicity, and popular culture can also yield interesting insights.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSxKCulture
"Similarly, the ‘‘soft masculinity” & “androgynous style” of RM, Jin, SUGA, J-hope, Jimin, V, & Jungkook have been litigated in terms of whether their performances (on the stage) & “performances” (in the Butlerian sense) challenge “hegemonic masculinity.”

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 5 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
BTS & Big Hit Ent. are monitoring the charts 🌍.

The press release below is for the Indian press about Dynamite.

In the 3rd paragraph they say BTS has been able to top Spotify's India Top 50 chart & how various celebs in India have shared Dynamite.

#BTSResearch @BTS_twt
Music agencies now have "dashboard of some kind now, & can see how their artist’s releases are performing – whether that’s streaming consumption, social interaction or physical sales – & they can see where in the world their release is having an impact."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Based on this, the marketing & PR divisions can make "assessments with clients early on about how much information they are accessing and guide them on how to make decisions based upon it."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 4 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
"I want to see what 🎶 they are going to come up with next. If its all in 🇰🇷, what are those gatekeepers at the 📻 station going to do? Millions are [now hooked watching 🇰🇷 videos/lyrics]. What are they going to do, are they going to resist providing them air time again?"@bts_twt
The BB Top100 goes back to the 1950s when youth popular music was growing.

"When streaming is combined, rhen we see a more accurate picture of what the most popular song is..." - Frank Smith


**Cough cough at the moment Dynamite by BTS**
Billboard Hot 100 Formula

Presented by Frank Smith

@bts_twt #BTSResearch
Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
2021년 5월 1-2일 캘리포니아 주립대 노스리지에서 '방탄소년단: 글로벌 학제 간 콘퍼런스 2'가 열릴 겁니다. 참여하시고 싶은 분은 아래 링크를 확인해 보세요.


@BTS_twt #방탄소년단 #BTSResearch #BTSARMY Image
이번 콘퍼런스는 학자, 팬, 음악 및 미디어 산업 실무자들이 모여, 방탄소년단에 대한 토론과 아이디어를 나눌 예정입니다. 모든 관점을 지지하고 포괄합니다. 주제는 음악, 팬덤, 교육, 영화와 미디어, 공연 예술, 문화, 패션 등이 포함될 겁니다.

@BTS_twt #방탄소년단 #BTSResearch #BTSARMY
논문, 패널, 페차쿠차, 비디오, 워크숍 등 다양한 참여 방법이 있습니다.

마감 날짜: 2020년 11월 6일

링크를 확인해 보세요:

@BTS_twt #방탄소년단 #BTSResearch #BTSARMY
Read 4 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
We are so excited to announce that the 'BTS: A Global Interdisciplinary Conference II' will officially take place on May 1-2, 2021 @ California State University, Northridge!

If you would like to participate please visit:…

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSARMY Image
In January 2020, a groundbreaking inclusive inter & multi-disciplinary conference was held at Kingston College in London UK, examining the success & popularity of BTS from a variety of perspectives.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSARMY…
A second conference will take place on the campus of California State University Northridge on May 2-3, 2021.

**While this conference is intended to take place in person at the CSUN Conference Center, the conference may need to be moved online.**

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSARMY
Read 9 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
"Every 🎶 has 2 sides: strategy & honesty don’t they? @BTS_twt is already a 🌍 superstar. I don’t think they [were] thinking ‘this single is going to be a big hit if we release it in Eng.’ That’s a shallow trick. I don’t think that is what happened.."+ @toojazzy25, Music Critic
"In my opinion…Well, this is just my interpretation, I think the 🌍 fandom of BTS who supported the group from the start surely contributed to making the group a 🌍 superstar. The group has a particularly strong fanbase in North America." - @toojazzy25, Music Critic
"In fact, BTS garnered popularity there first, before they became famous in Korea. They loved and supported BTS even when the lyrics were all in Korean." - @toojazzy25, Music Critic

Read 5 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
"The textbooks are designed for users who wish to learn Hangeul, basic words & phrases, & to familiarize themselves with Korea's regional traits & culture as introduced in BTS' music & videos, according to @Bighit_Edu."

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTSResearch…
"Korean is the 14th most widely used language in the world. About 77.3 million speakers are currently using Korean as their first language, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
"The culture ministry said it will spend 89.4 billion won ($75.3 million) by 2021 to vitalize Korean language education."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 5 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
The start of the #WINGS Era began 4 years ago!

This iconic era was inspired most notably by Hermann Hesse's coming of age novel, 'Demian.' Concepts were temptation & growth.

WINGS, was BTS' 2nd full studio album.

Let's take a look at @BTS_twt [WINGS] Album Brand Design Review. Image
VBStudio KR were the ones who brought the branding, design & motion graphics to life!

They are a visual communication design studio. With a specialization in graphic design, focusing on branding, music, interactive, movie, space design, etc.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #WINGS
WINGS, Brand Symbol by VBStudio Kr.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTS #WINGS Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
#BTS "has done more for education than any educator in the last 50 yrs., because who else has reached people in every country & caused people to want to learn?"

'Why Is Skip Conover a #BTSARMY for Life? An Interview w/@bybrianbyrne'

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
We highly recommend all ARMYs to watch the full video on YT. You won't disappoint!

Thank you so much @skip_conover for sharing with us about your story. We are very grateful that we get to share this same community as #BTSARMY.

@BTS_twt #BTS
Also, thank you once again to @bybrianbyrne for putting these interviews together & giving us insight into the diversity in our fandom!

We are super grateful for you work! 💜

Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
For our #BTSARMY finance & business enthusiasts!

Big Hit Ent. K-IFRS "Consolidated Statements of Financial Position"

Total Assets: 2.06 B
Total Liabilities: 118 B
Total Equity: 87 B

Total Assets: 363 B
Total Liabilities: 189 B
Total Equity: 174 B

*KRW mn* @BTS_twt Image
Total assets refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity.

Total liabilities are the combined debts and obligations that an individual or company owes to outside parties.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Total equity is the amount invested in a company by investors in exchange for stock, plus all subsequent earnings of the business, minus all subsequent dividends paid out.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 9 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020
"BTS and ARMY are not just about musicians and their fans. They work together to dismantle Western music hegemony and the tiresome stereotype of hysterical fangirls." - Tabayyun Pasinringi, @magdaleneid

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTSResearch…
"But when we’re talking about BTS & 🌍 music awards, the elephant in the room is how the Western music industry puts the group in a very narrow category that reflects the role of capitalistic Western hegemony in the music industry."- Tabayyun P.

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Fellow ARMY @journalin, is a digital access program advisor & 🎶 journalist mentioned about how "in global music awards, Asian musicians always fall into the World Music category."

We are so proud of you being ft. in this article! 💜

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 7 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020
The @BUSgameOfficial has added a "Co-Star Connection" tab where ARMYs can participate in "bring your imagination to life..." by taking a test asking "Who's your Co-star?"

Very clever! ARMYs become active participants in the storytelling process! @BTS_twt
They ask you the following questions;

What is your favorite movie genre?
Which one of these is your dream job?
How do you like stories to end?
Where would you most like to visit?

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTS #BTSARMY Image
Big Hit through their BTS content often times have narrative storytelling.

Bang PD said "Personally, I love storytelling & following expanding narratives into a universe...We see the overall potential as a business in storytelling, so it is not just my hobby."

@BTS_twt Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
If you missed the 'BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Dynamite’ ONLINE GLOBAL MEDIA DAY' yesterday, it is now available to view on the Big Hit Labels YouTube channel!

We have also uploaded a full transcript onto our Medium page. 💜

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BangtanScholars…
We hope this is resourceful for you all in any way! Let us know if you would like any future transcripts to be published on our Medium. If you would like to translate our transcript let us know!

Here are some of our favorite quotes from the global online media day!

"I’m very happy & excited that our sincerity was able to be reached out & resonate with so many people. I think it was the fans & the encouragement & energy that we received from our fans that drove us & allowed us to keep going...+"-🐿️

#BTSResearch @BTS_twt
Read 10 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
"Unlike the BB 200 which is affected by fans, topping the BB Hot100 is harder. It doesn't depend on the group's fanbase— That's why topping the BB Hot100 is difficult for non-Eng. speaking artists. @BTS_twt achieving this proves how popular they are."-Kim Hern-Sik, Culture Critic
"BTS have also been on the Hot 100 chart previously, reaching No. 4 with "ON" in Feb., as well as ranking 8th with the song "Boy With Luv," & 10th with "FAKE LOVE." Now with "Dynamite", the group have finally reached the summit of the Hot 100."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch Image
"They also become the first South Korean artists to have topped both the Hot 100 and the Billboard 200, having reached No. 1 in the album chart four times since 2018."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch

Watch the full video;
Read 3 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
"Big Hit would offer 7.13 million shares at a price between 105,000 KRW ($88.50) & 135,000 KRW. It will carry out the book building procedure to gauge demand on Sept. 14-25 for global investors & Sep. 24-25 for the domestic market."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch…
"NH Investment & Securities, Korea Investment & Securities, and JP Morgan will serve as lead underwriters with Mirae Asset Daewoo and Kiwoom Securities participating in the IPO as members of the underwriter group."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
"Big Hit earned 587.2 billion won in revenue with its operating profit reaching 98.7 billion won last year, up 94.8 percent and 23.5 percent, respectively, from a year earlier."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch
Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
“Sometimes even when we do things from the bottom of our hearts, they don’t pay off. There are things that just go unnoticed but the things that we have done are not just ours." - RM

#BTS_Dynamite #BTSResearch…
"I think everything – the power of our 🎶 & performance, the things that we’ve talked about, the staff at the company, reporters, fans, the fact that the song was in Eng. & disco pop is just easy for anyone to relate to, it was the combined efforts of all of this.” - RM, @BTS_twt
When asked about their No. 1 achievement, RM said that he doesn't know.

"I know that the Hot 100 chart needs more than the fans, but I really don’t know how approachable we have become to the Western public, neither do I know the demarcation between the fans & public." @BTS_twt
Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
"In fact, ARMYs are diverse in age & social class. But I think the power of all of them to support BTS in unison is absolute." - <A Better Word Than Love>, @bookart20

Link to the book below!💜

In this book titled, <A Better Word Than Love.> It interviewed 7 ARMYs to find the answer. By showing 7 ARMYs living their daily lives with BTS' music, this book says the warmest thing we can say to each other, is to tell the story of our lives after all. 💜

@bookart20 Image
The book is a collection of gentle & moving words from ARMYs, whose lives are often rarely seen behind the huge fandom named "BTS ARMY."


You can purchase the book here or visit @bookart20 profile for more links:…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
"... ARMYs view charity as paying back the encouragement that they got from BTS & the community spirit that they learned from ARMY. They want to direct the positivity that they've receive towards other people in order to make this world a better place. "- @ohaunoaulait

Just to add on to what @LaurenJP68 said but from an ARMYs perspective. We have had countless of philanthropic/social projects across our years as a fandom. 💜

BTS and ARMY Culture can be bought as an eBook though Amazon or if you want a physical copy you can get it via @JayelleKorea!

@BTS_twt #BTS #BTSARMY #BTSResearch…
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Aug 22nd 2020
"For many @BTS_twt fans, the act of streaming is not only to simply listen to & enjoy 🎶 but also to strategically support the artist...sometimes streaming can also be an act of resistance against the existing social structure & systems that fans feel are unjust."-@ElegantLogic Image
"These fans’ selection of music services is often driven by their desire to maximize the impact of their streaming on the rankings of artists’ albums in various charts." - @ElegantLogic

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTS #BTSResearch
Please do check out @ElegantLogic original thread! Thank you for sharing your valuable research insight into the BTS & ARMY community.💜

Read 3 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
“Within a fandom you are surrounded by like-minded people who feel the same level of attachment, and therefore you can feel free to love and show affection intensely and fangirl/boy without judgment,” said Lynn.

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTS #BTSResearch…
“Their ability to articulate very complex but universal emotions in such clear and poetic ways really drew me to them,” said Lynn, referring to BTS’ emotional intelligence & positivity.

@BTS_twt #BTS #BTSARMY #BTSResearch
“I can legit sit and watch any vlog or speech of theirs & come away feeling inspired and empowered to become as emotionally aware.”

@BTS_twt #BTS #BTSARMY #BTSResearch
Read 4 tweets

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