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Oct 22nd 2019
#i2 1/17 It's that time of year again - the national conference of @AmerAcadPeds is this weekend in #NOLA. Once again, there's a "session" with a misleading title: "Common Problems of the Genitalia in Newborns and Infants." An ethical practitioner would read that title & think...
@AmerAcadPeds 2/17 the session will cover diseases, deformities, other adverse penile conditions & their diagnosis or treatment. After all, that's what the ethical practice of medicine in general, & #neonatal #pediatrics in particular, is all about: patient presents w/problem, pediatrician...
@AmerAcadPeds 3/17 diagnoses and appropriately treats problem. But this is @AmerAcadPeds, where no one in charge gives a #flyingflamingo about their ethical duties to their child patients, & where a surgeon's Toyota #Camry won't pay for itself. Read the blurb & you'll see this session isn't...
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