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Oct 28th 2019
What has really struck me in conversations with and observations of doctors providing puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones to gender dysphoric youth is their utter conviction that they are saving lives.

"Would you rather have a dead daughter, or a live son?"
At a talk at #AAP19, Katherine Greenberg MD, who's on the speaker's bureau for Merck, said that trans youth denied treatment have "8 times" the risk of suicide. Sounds terrible!

In this article:…

Kevin Wang MD says suicide attempts are 9 to 10x higher.
But when you look at the data, the rates of suicide and self harm are "more similar than different" to the rates of youth referred for other mental health concerns. I'm quoting from @ZUCKERKJ's excellent article from earlier this year:
Read 11 tweets
Oct 28th 2019
Kamillah Wood, MD talks about how meeting social NEEDS isn’t the same as addressing structural inequities.

The work isn’t an either/or, it’s a both/and.

You can’t truly address Equity if you aren’t doing BOTH. 🙌🏾👏🏾

#EveryChildCounts Image
Dr. Wood cites the Beyond Traffic 2045 report that looks at how even transportation policy can MAKE & TRANSFORM places, communities and HEALTH.

Columbus, Ohio won the Smart City competition to reimagine investment in transportation as a way to address #Equity

Their main argument: Transportation as a way to address Infant Mortality

#AAP19 #mnleg Image
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Oct 28th 2019
@Liz_Barnert shows the remarkable disparity in how much the US locks up children vs the rest of the world at the MHEI program.

Lifetime imprisonment for:
White men = 1 in 17

Latino men = 1 in 6

Black men = 1 in 3

#AAP19 ImageImageImage
46% of juveniles who enter detention have Urgent health needs

12% are expecting a child (boys & girls)

They have:
⬆️ rates if STDs
⬆️ needs for immunization catch-up

#AAP19 #EveryChildCounts
70% of justice-involved juveniles have 1 or > psychiatric disorders

The amount of time incarcerated significantly increases risk of adult depression

@Liz_Barnert reminds us of the story of #KhalifBrowder that tragically illustrates how this plays out
#AAP19 Image
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Oct 27th 2019
Minnesotan (🙌🏾) @ShaqBell talking about why #RepresentationMatters in media starts with a Land Recognition of the Chitimacha Tribe & a picture of her beautiful beading at the #AAP19 COCM program 🙏🏾
#EveryChildCounts ImageImageImage
There is more protection for Washington’s @NFL team name than there is for the youth exposed to this racist imagery.

Exposure to American Indian mascots has been shown to:
⬇️ self esteem
⬇️ sense of community worth

In High School students
#AAP19 Image
How many of us have warm feelings about @oregontrail?

Yet they refuse to acknowledge or change racist stereotypes in their game.

They aren’t alone in the gaming industry - one that impacts how Native children see themselves & non-Native children & adults see communities #AAP19 Image
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Oct 26th 2019
@docmarsha says, "If it seems like they're not listening (policymakers) it doesn't mean we should stop [speaking up for kids]. It means we should be louder." #AAP19
We need to be bolder and braver than ever before. @docmarsha #AAP19
It is not ilegal to come to the border to seek protection. What our govt is doing is immoral, illegal and it must stop. @docmarsha #AAP19
Read 9 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
@AAPPres Dr. Kyle Yasuda shares the AAP’s support for #T21 & youth e-cig ban policies at the #AAP19 opening plenary

#mnleg needs to take up this important legislation in 2020 Image
“Kids don’t judge you based on your title or your resume, they judge you on your voting record, how often you show up whether they deserve it or not” @JoshShipp delivering a powerful plenary speech at #AAP19 Image
“Every kid is one choice away from being a statistic. But that choice isn’t always one they get to make” #AAP19 Image
Read 13 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
#AAP19 Selfies are in full effect! First up is my clinic partner Dr. Peik attending his first ever @AAPexperience!! Image
Great to see @DrToddWo & #PediatricianForPresident at #aap19 🙌🏾 Image
We ran into our former clinic colleague turned AAP VP Anne Edwards!! #AAP19 Image
Read 18 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019
#i2 1/17 It's that time of year again - the national conference of @AmerAcadPeds is this weekend in #NOLA. Once again, there's a "session" with a misleading title: "Common Problems of the Genitalia in Newborns and Infants." An ethical practitioner would read that title & think...
@AmerAcadPeds 2/17 the session will cover diseases, deformities, other adverse penile conditions & their diagnosis or treatment. After all, that's what the ethical practice of medicine in general, & #neonatal #pediatrics in particular, is all about: patient presents w/problem, pediatrician...
@AmerAcadPeds 3/17 diagnoses and appropriately treats problem. But this is @AmerAcadPeds, where no one in charge gives a #flyingflamingo about their ethical duties to their child patients, & where a surgeon's Toyota #Camry won't pay for itself. Read the blurb & you'll see this session isn't...
Read 17 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
Discussing the architecture of conversations with vaccine-hesitant parents with @SeanOLearyMD this morning. @Alchapaap #AAP19
#Vaccine hesitancy is a spectrum: most are “happy vaccinators”, some have concerns, a small # desire alternative schedule, very few absolute refusers.

Start with triage: if they are outright refusers (trying to convince YOU that vaccines are bad), you are unlikely to help them.
“Costs” are Vacccine Hesitancy: 84% of pediatricians think it is more painful to bring kids back repetitively for a “spread out schedule” increases a child’s fear which potentiates pain.
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