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Mar 8th 2020
On November 29, 1954, Norweigan freighter SS Lionne ran into the #CansoCauseway. It didn’t open until the following year and it was not yet on British Admiralty navigation charts.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #capebreton
@GeoffMacLellan @AllanMacMaster @lloydphines @StraitAreaCoC Image
The Lionne's crew didn’t know we were in the process of connecting #CapeBreton to mainland #NovaScotia.
Rock aggregate for the construction was quarried at Cape Porcupine, right next to the causeway.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #capebreton Image
It took 10 million tons to build because it's 24 metres wide at the top, 192 metres wide at bottom, and 65m deep in some spots. They thought there might not be enough rock to build the Causeway but the quarry is still going strong 7 decades later!
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia Image
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