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May 8th 2023
Why I Chose To Start Up Kuroiler chicken Farming- In 2023.

The Kuroiler breed of chicken is a dual-purpose bird that is used for meat and eggs. It was created in the state of Andhra Pradesh in South India through selective breeding of the Rhodes Island Red rooster and... Image
the White Leghorn chicken. Kegg Farms in India was the first to develop this breed and Kuroiler was first established in Uganda.

So i chose this kind of breed after a doing good research among my community farmers and realised it could help accumulate me profits .
It is imperative that you source your Kuroiler chicken from a reputable Kuroiler supplier. The reason for this is that you get either F1 or F2. Kuroiler F1 is the closest to the parent stock, while Kuroiler F2 is bred from the F1 stock. The closer to the parent stock, the better
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