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Apr 2nd 2020
#FBI trivia was on @Jeopardy tonight, but we're not stumped. The #ClueCrew visited the FBI Academy to film prompts for the “FBI Quantico” category, and now the #BuCrew is here to give you more facts. Let’s play Jeopardy! #TodayOnJ
Become an agent: Drive the precision obstacle course. Take a virtual ride with this 360-degree video on the FBI Academy’s precision obstacle course. An instructor explains the types of maneuvers new agents test on behind the wheel. Watch at #TodayOnJ
New agent trainees await their turn at the Tactical Emergency Vehicle Operations Center. The training teaches drivers skills like maneuvering out of a common rear-end spinout, ramming a threatening vehicle, and backing out of an alleyway under fire. #TodayOnJ
Read 13 tweets
Dec 24th 2019
FBI trivia was on @Jeopardy tonight, but we're not stumped. The #ClueCrew visited the FBI to film prompts for the “FBI Headquarters” category, and now the #BuCrew is here to give you more facts. #TodayonJ.
J. Edgar Hoover became assistant director of the Bureau of Investigation, the #FBI's predecessor, in 1921. Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed Hoover acting director on May 10, 1924, and by year's end, Hoover became director. #TodayOnJ…
The #FBI's #ArtifactoftheMonth in December 2016 was J. Edgar Hoover's fedora—a style of hat traditionally associated with the iconic G-man image. #TodayOnJ…
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