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Dec 31st 2021
Before I head back to #Boulder, #Nebraska, here's the forecast laid out by the Omaha #NWS. Please think before you go out tonight or tomorrow because breathing will make your lungs burn/hurt outside.

#windchill #Platte #Colfax #Butler #Stanton
O'Neill....don't go out tonight, Not with an expected 32 below wind chill. It will only take minutes for frost bite then hypothermia to set it. Don't risk it.

#Nebraska #windchill #Platte #Colfax #Butler #Stanton
Read 5 tweets
Dec 16th 2020
Digging in @WHGnews' digital collection this morning (you can, too: and found some very excellent #Colfax images. So please join me on this short screencap tour.

Here we are at Colfax and Tremont, circa 1920. There are a few of these horse pix there.
Here we are at Colfax and Broadway, circa 1925.…
Colfax and Logan, circa 1920. This cigar and soda shop is now a Tycoon Ramen.…
Read 9 tweets

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