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Jul 22nd 2022
The issue with #NP problems is Uncertainty. The greater amount of information about the problem, the less Uncertainty & therefore, the less Computational Complexity. In case of no Uncertainty, NP=P. #NPplusInformationEqualsP @ulisescortes @sierra_carles @vdignum @wooldridgemike
In practice, that's what #DeepLearning does: it gathers data of the problem but runtime is P.
In Research too: we publish about problems until we find a P solution and then we continue optimising the solution in case we need a trade-off PSPACE/PTIME. #AI #MachineLearning
Could we create a Problem Information System to reduce the complexity of Research in general?Could it be automated to the greatest extent? That would be a General Problem Solver. We can be greedy & blindly publish in words everything we might solve, or we could start making a PIS
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