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Dec 3rd 2021
'They reveal how children ar being encouraged to embrace a transgender identity by other pupils, with the #connivance of teachers & often, deliberately, without the knowledge of their parents'

(Andrew Moffat taught his gender identity embedding CHIPS resource secretly for 2yrs)
Parents of school-age children may already suspect tht sumthng is rotten in the state of r Relationshps & Sex Education (RSE); they might baulk whn their kids come home parroting unscientific dogma, inclu. the denial of biological sex & the existence of infinite gender identities
But many will have no idea how completely their schools have been #captured by trans #LobbyGroups, how #invested teachers are in this #ideology, and what this means for their children.
That’s why it’s so important that we listen to the whistleblowers
Read 28 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
Grau de investimento: crucial quesito avaliador na concessão de crédito…
"O #Brasil em 2018 não recuperou o seu grau de investimento perdido em 2015.

Após uma melhora na economia que sucedeu uma grave recessão, as agências justificaram a falta de medidas para conter o déficit fiscal como motivo de não elevar a nota do país."…
#Brasileiro é o turista mais rejeitado do mundo, diz pesquisa @IATA…
Read 54 tweets

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