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Jan 26th 2021
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour So these private contractors will continue to be able to avoid paying their employees a living wage.

This new policy is looking less and less impressive.

@CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour @CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet @communitycathy just asked the staffer (Andrew ?) about the living wage policy.

Conveniently, it doesn't apply to these multi-year contracts.
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour @CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet @communitycathy Turns out #Halifax’s much ballyhooed #LivingWage policy won’t affect #ContractedOut solid waste services for next several years.

@hfxgov staff were successful with their end-run around the policy.

How incredibly disappointing.
Read 6 tweets

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