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Since we’re talking abt #TetragonFinancial:

Soon it’ll be 5 yrs since tht infamous Forbes clean slate/#altasset IPO article...

...and basically it’s been crickets since:…

So what’s the deal?!
Well, NO complaints from an operating perspective:

#TFG delivered 10% NAV returns in last 5 yrs & transitioned to a true #altasset mgmt firm...

...ignore rest of the portfolio, it’s jst surplus filler they’ve jammed into Polygon funds/addtl seed capital for its asset mgmt co’s.
And forget #redherrings like #Ripple...

...blame me, cos I pushed ‘em to add some #crypto #pixiedust to the portfolio, but I never expected it wd be Ripple! 😆

Bt this is MORE than balanced out by their asset mgmt jewel in the crown...

...#Equitix, now their largest hldg!
Read 22 tweets
The #G7 this weekend renounced its role as #globalhealth leader, @kentbuse and I argue in @bmj_latest:…

A thread on what next for global health & #healthsecurity.
Speaking at #G20 Rome #GlobalHealthSummit in May, German Chancellor #Merkel had raised the question, “if not us, who?” to end the global #Covid19 #pandemic.

At #G7UK this past weekend, #G7 responded with "Not us," committing to donate 870mn #vaccine doses when the need is 11bn.
Instead of engaging with recommendations of @TheIndPanel to strengthen #pandemic preparedness & the #globalhealth system (, strongly backed by @antonioguterres (), #G7 noted it would "explore" different proposals.
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in de categorie #VerwachtingsManagement

de #vaccinatiegraad neemt toe 🥳 en de #COVID19NL transmissie in de bevolking is hoog👎

dit betekent dat we steeds meer besmettingen gaan zien bij gevaccineerden. De vraag is: is dit erg? ImageImage
antwoord: 'it depends'

vaccinatie beschermt zeer goed tegen ernstige ziekte (ZH-opname) dus besmetting kan in principe weinig kwaad

echter, er gaan mogelijk een keer patiënten in het ZH komen die wel gevaccineerd waren, want bescherming is bijna 100% (en geen 100%)
verwachting 2

studie uit Amerika:
- volledig gevaccineerd zorgpersoneel
- periode van twee maanden
- 1% had een positieve #COVID19 test

grootste risico: 'high community transmission'

Dit gaan we ook in NL zien onder gevaccineerden… Image
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Acabo de escuchar el INTERROGATORIO -que es lo que en verdad fué- al que #Majul & cia sometieron a @mauriciomacri hace un ratito en @lanacionmas y me quedan un par de consideraciones personales que pueden o no ser compartidas
* #Macri tiene muy claro lo que se hizo bien y lo q no
* Hace mucho que no escucho en NADIE semejante nivel de autocrítica
Si el #perionismo tuviera un poco de vergūenza deberia hacer algo similar, pedir disculpas y muchos irse definitivamente a su casa
* Como nos sucede a todos los seres humanos en cualquier ámbito de la vida ....
... muchas veces es necesario alejarse y tomar distancia para lograr ver claro y mas de cerca. No es un pecado sino una virtud
* Cuando le reclamaron el por que le entregaba pauta a ciertos medios militantes com #C5N, con su respuesta #Macri dejó en claro su compromiso con la
Read 13 tweets
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo Diferencie as coisas e atribua algum senso de #prioridades para uma nação continental, tal qual 👉🏿🇧🇷🔫:

"@ArthurLira_ minimiza troca na @petrobras e destaca apoio do @govbr à autonomia do #BC @BancoCentralBR"…
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo @ArthurLira_ @petrobras @govbr @BancoCentralBR #RespostaPadrão #DiscoRachado #PrerrogativadoPR

"Rodrigo Pacheco @rpsenador diz que #Bolsonaro tem prerrogativa para nomear #militares" | #Prerrogativa toma precedência sobre #estratégia de recuperação da nação? 🤔 É só concordar ou ponderar?… @Enfoque MS
@mbaldin @joaoamoedonovo @ArthurLira_ @petrobras @govbr @BancoCentralBR @rpsenador @Enfoque #RespostaPadrão #DiscoRachado #PrerrogativadoPR

“Não entendo isso como movimento de #militarização, mas de uma escolha de pessoas que, dentro da #confiança do presidente, possam exercer esses papeis. Se eu estivesse no lugar do presidente, meu governo seria composto...
Read 22 tweets
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour So these private contractors will continue to be able to avoid paying their employees a living wage.

This new policy is looking less and less impressive.

@CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour @CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet @communitycathy just asked the staffer (Andrew ?) about the living wage policy.

Conveniently, it doesn't apply to these multi-year contracts.
@zwoodford @HRMLovelace @hfxgov @WayeMason @LindellSmithHFX @HalifaxLabour @CUPELocal108 @cupenovascotia @Tim_Bousquet @communitycathy Turns out #Halifax’s much ballyhooed #LivingWage policy won’t affect #ContractedOut solid waste services for next several years.

@hfxgov staff were successful with their end-run around the policy.

How incredibly disappointing.
Read 6 tweets
Seeehr langer #Thread dazu wie #EndeGelände von der vermeintlich „demokratischen Mitte“ und der Polizei kriminalisiert wird.
Wie #FDP #CDU rechte Narrative puschen. #Mittextremismus
Und wie der Frame: „Linksextreme Gefahr“unkritisch von Lokalmedien aufgegriffen wird.
Die #FDP und #CDU in #Bremen stellten diese beiden Anträge in der Bremischen Bürgerschaft.
Sie fordern eine genaue Beobachtung #Kriminalisierung von Klimaaktivismus.

Die Agenda: #EndeGelände und linke, emanziptaorische Gruppen und Räume, wie das alte Sportamt, zu bekämpfen.
CDU inszeniert sich als „bürgerliche Mitte“ ohne Extremismus.
Prof.Salzborn sagt:
„das ist eine Verfälschung, weil wir antidemokratische Strömungen in allen politischen Milieurs attestieren können/nicht nur von den äußeren Rändern, sondern gerade aus der Mitte d Gesellschaft.“
Read 32 tweets
#WeThePeople are in big, horrible and #YUGE trouble because of #BadPlanning. I want to tell you a story - a modern day #parable.

Two cattle rustlers working on an #InsideJob to steal veal, decided to test their newfound Sharps Buffalo Rifle.
The young rustlers' Sharps 1874 Buffalo Rifle test worked just fine - dropping one of the wealthy land-owning rancher's grazing steer dead with a single bullet of such tremendous caliber - "it blowed a hole in him you that could throw a cat through."
However, the folly of the rife-testing young and impatient American cattle rustlers became immediately apparent when a hair-raising #helicopter versus #car chase exciting ensued.
Read 21 tweets
2) Zoom capped us at 100. Sorry. Anyone know how to let more in? HK, Norway, Belgium, Bolivia, Argentina ....
3) says it all
Read 16 tweets
"Temporary cessation" Who are you kidding?
Its a fucking ban.
MDN is the only NGO that works as an HRD on the most sensitive HR issues in Maldives.
The govt has succumbed to the pressure from local terrorists - much of those are allegedly revealed in the controversial report.
The #Maldives govt has failed to take action against those who spread hate and threaten people behind a religious facade.
"The maintenance of public order and communal harmony"... what a load of crap!
The govt has effectively #empowered the #terrorists by banning the only HRD NGO who dared assess the rising #extremism and #radicalism in #Maldives.
Now the terrorists are attacking whoever who recognised the NGO's sincere work since 2004.
Read 8 tweets
Ten #MMT tips to remember on #TaxDay:
1. Federal #taxes don't fund federal spending, so let's #decouple these two important tools.
2. Taxes offset #Government spending.
3. It's a matter of #logic: #dollars must be spent into existence (by the Gov) first, in order for us to use some of those $ to pay taxes
4. #Taxing for #revenue is for local states/municipalities, not the #sovereign issuer of the #currency.
5. Taxing excessive wealth protects #democracy from #Oligarchy and protects us from abusive market power
6. Taxing #pollution & #speculation to reduce such activities, not to "fund" #healthcare and #education.
Read 6 tweets

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