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Jul 19th 2022
Those claiming @KemiBadenoch rowed back on the UK 2050 #NetZero target yesterday appear to have missed the main point. Which is, that a target needs a plan, and is useless without. She's not wrong
And yesterday's High Court ruling… confirms that the next PM will need to develop a better plan than exists right now
In the course of doing that, the next PM (whether @KemiBadenoch or any other #ToryLeadershipContest contender) would take briefings from real experts rather than Tufton St has-beens and would discover that a) the 2050 target is not arbitrary but based in science and fairness,
Read 6 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
There has been a lot of reporting of the Government's new Food Strategy, including some confusion and mis-reporting because a draft was leaked last week and it was superseded by final version which was different.

Some thoughts and clarifications. 🧵…
[NB this thread looks mostly at the part of the Strategy that covers new farming system, especially para 1.2.3. Not at other parts of Strategy]
Some are making out that the Food Strategy is totemic of Government's waning commitment to its net zero/enviro agenda.

I don't agree with this.
Read 35 tweets

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