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Sep 14th 2020
#COVID19 tweet after a long time.
Generally COVID is by the by now
More use of mask than before
Lot of public/closed spaces activities
What is worrying for #Bengaluru is this-->…
Going back to pvt hospitals to release more beds is talked about. Non COVID conditions needing ICU will suffer equally. Increased mobility and activity will see more road accidents, other infections..
Difficult balance between livelihood and lives, and then lives and lives too!
We seem to be functioning in a 'let's see what comes our way today' format, moved away from planning and strategising. Will this prove costly? #COVIDBangalore #COVID19karnataka @epigiri
Read 3 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
1/n #COVIDBangalore #BedCrisis
@mla_sudhakar says over 70% beds not utilised yet
@Sowmyareddyr relates a bed hunt that went for hours
We read about HCW shortage/morale down
We hear doctors in line of duty struggling to find beds for themselves
There are 2 ways to go about this:
1. Say all is well and the problem 'goes away'
2. Accept there is a problem - first step towards solving one

Shall we for a moment set the first one aside?
3/n Bed maths
Bed = not cot+bedding+Monitor+/-Vent
Bed = All above + manpower
10 vent ICU beds = 3 nurses + 1 doctor /shift (least) = 15 nurses + 4-5 drs on roster
1000 such = 1500 -2K nurses and 500-600drs on the floor
+ All support staff (Housekeeping, lab, pharmacy....)
Read 6 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
@DHFWKA should look into a tiered response
1. Pool 150 -200 beds each from all medical colleges Gov and Pvt: These have huge campuses, separate buildings, manpower. Equipment can be leased/sourced = will easily give about 3000 beds

2. Have a bed management war room - should have admin reps from each of these medical colleges + BBMP+DHFWKA
3. Network all other hospitals and fever clinics to this war room - real time, this also serves as transport hub
4. Have a clinical core committee - oversees adherence to best clinical protocols- will drastically reduce mortality : This is 24/7 overseeing agency
5. Assure patients 'safe beds' avoids panic. Assure healthcare providers 'all support' there will be buy in
Read 5 tweets

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