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Sep 15th 2020
THREAD. 🌹 Exhausted after today 😩 but relieved to have won recognition two HUGE victories in court today:

1. Recognition of the centrality of trauma & mental health support for Gaia's inquest (/all survivors). 🙌

2. Something we never thought we'd ask for...
...another delay to the inquest (now due May 2021) which given the current mess is essential to ensure the full & fearless investigation we need.

We are determined to do all in our power to make sure your family never has to stand where we stand today, fighting...
... justice for someone who’s been taken from you and who can never be replaced.

Huge thanks to our amazing legal team incl. @caoilfhionnanna & @HWistrich Sarah and Soohy for all their hard work, also @INQUEST_ORG, @RapeCrisisEandW England & Wales and @centreWJ as well as...
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