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Mar 30th 2020
❤️📈 #COVID - A Love Story 📈❤️

1/5 When it seems only despair & fear is in the air, love finds a way.

Today, friends Regina & JP got married. 200 attended their beautiful ceremony. And yes, #SocialDistancing was observed. Thanks, @Facebook Live.

Why today, you ask?... ImageImage
❤️📈 #COVID - A Love Story 📈❤️

2/5 JP has COVID. Thankfully, he's well enough to still be at home but we can see our friend is struggling. ~ Realizing that life & love is precious, he & Regina chose to wait no longer to join their lives. Need a lift? Witness their love here:
❤️📈 #COVID - A Love Story 📈❤️

3/5 The wedding was held in their front yard so a few neighbors could attend--adhering to strict #SocialDistancing guidelines.

Regina & JP's son, Onyx, was their ring bearer. #CutestKidEver
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