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Apr 19th 2021
After 14 days of testimony, closing arguments are about to be made in the #DerekChauvinTrial.


Prosecutor Steve Schleicher is expected to deliver the closing argument on behalf of the state.

After that, Eric Nelson, the attorney for Derek Chauvin, will make his closing argument.

Each statement is expected to last about an hour.
After the defense's presentation, the state is expected to give a rebuttal.
Read 41 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
Day 13 #DerekChauvinTrial thread.
Jury not in room. Morries Hall makes an appearance before the judge to say he will not answer any questions if called to the stand, pleading the 5th.

Hall's public defender argued that it could incriminate him in a 3rd degree murder charge.
ICYMI: Last week, Morries Hall's public defender Adrienne Cousins laid out the reasons why Hall plans to plead the 5th. His testimony could open him to a 3rd degree murder charge related to an OD death, as well charges for drug dealing, drug use.
Defense calls as expert testifier Dr. David Fowler, retired forensic pathologist.

#ChauvinTrial #DerekChauvinTrial
Read 9 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
Just walked the Hennepin Co Government Center perimeter. Doesn't appear to be any obvious beefed up security measures outside. A heads up, court calendar now showing an 8:45am motions hearing in #DerekChauvinTrail
In terms of this morning's #DerekChauvinTrial motions hearing -- the buzz around the courthouse is the defense is objecting to one final expert witness prosecutors want to call. Attorney Eric Nelson arguing it's "cumulative," and there's been enough state expert analysis already.
One other issue I will be looking for this AM. Does Judge Cahill address events of last 24 hours in any way w/ the jury? Poll jurors to know who saw what, whether they have been prejudiced at all by the deadly police shooting & overnight unrest? #DerekChauvinTrial #GeorgeFloyd
Read 32 tweets

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