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Oct 29th 2022
1. Good morning! Early start on Saturdays thread as it’s the weekend 😄 I’m going just do a quick thread today about Lough Furnace, which is the aquatic link between the Burrishoole catchment and the North Atlantic Sunset behind Lough France and the Reek
2. This aquatic link runs from the Owenduff/Nephin and Bellacorick bog SACs, @WildNephin, down through Furnace and into Clew Bay SAC, very close to the shelf edge, so 🐟moving in and out of Furnace are essentially on a 🛣️between #Biodiversity hotspots @npwsBioData @MarineInst Map of SACs and Lough Furnace
3. The lake is actually a coastal lagoon, which is a rare, designated habitat (Code 1150). Some of you might be familiar with e.g. Loch Hyne and the salt lake near Clifden. Very detailed information from Brenda Healy on this habitat here from the 1990s:…
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