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Dec 24th 2019
Recently I've gotten really interested in the #Apple1. The forerunner to the much better known Apple II and the machine that originally launched @Apple in 1970s.

Here are some of the more interesting points on my adventure. #Thread
It's such a simple machine that a minimally technical article I read earlier this year had enough details to write a simple #emulator.

Which I ended up doing; my very first attempt at creating one. #MOS6502

Here it is running @stevewoz's original 256-byte "monitor" firmware/OS.
My emulator is just a console app with a command line to control the emulation.

The actual I/O text streams for the emulated machine are just pushed through a local socket connection.

#PuTTY works great as a front end.

A real Apple-1 would need a TV screen and keyboard.
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