The actual I/O text streams for the emulated machine are just pushed through a local socket connection.
#PuTTY works great as a front end.
A real Apple-1 would need a TV screen and keyboard.
I had to try this; coding a short program this way is fun. I imagine anything more complex would quickly become tidious.
Everyone shared what they had and adapted the code to run on whatever "microcomputer" platform was available.
That's a fascinating one; worth reading this article.…
I'm not the first to attempt to #disassemble Woz's BASIC but still interesting.
Small unused pockets and random NOPs really illustrate how it was manually constructed, debugged, and patched.
But, if you want an easy way to experience the Apple-1 then try the JavaScript based Apple 1js right in your browser.
It's more accurate than mine anyway and has a bunch of software "tapes" built right in.