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Mar 10th 2020
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus, my years as an #InstructionalDesign nerd are finally paying off ;)

But srsly: here is a THREAD of things you may find useful.

I will share/update as our Digital Learning team preps.
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus:

You need to make/borrow your own "support kit" - there are many: Whatever works for your HEI. Your kit needs to be malleable - here's our lib-guide thus far:
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus:

Need forum help? Well HT @uoregan for this (dated and blackboard focused) "Generating and Facilitating Engaging and Effective Online Discussions"…
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