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Mar 19th 2019

Trump tweeting insanely; the drumbeat of counter-narratives building

Mueller Rpt v.1 at end of week?

Broidy Indictment imminent? It would be an excellent example to illustrate TeamTreason’s utter corruption & fuqqery.

Trump Kids & Kush-leverage?

We’ll see.

The TT Moscow project is significant because it shows Trump was chasing a lucrative business deal in Russia at the same time that the Kremlin was conducting a hacking & propaganda campaign to boost his candidacy and harm/suppress HRC’s appeal to voters.

The project also coincided w/ Trump’s glowing comments about Putin & his questioning of US sanctions against Russia.

If the project was completed, TrumpOrg could have received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian sources in licensing fees & other revenues.
Read 82 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
“Brazile will survive as an example of the very self-interested corruption that she decries: a craven, calculating striver, incapable of being trusted, & loyal not to ideas or a particular vision for the country but a career now in need of resuscitation”…
Read 34 tweets

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