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Nov 2nd 2020
These 1 hour limits need to be reviewed. Should test all customers even without symptoms. Most of those infected (if any) will test positive by day 5. No isolation required unless this becomes a cluster. #covid19aus
This is something both New South Wales and Victoria should strongly consider. We have so few cases that being aggressive with cluster management comes with almost no cost. #dropthehammer on every potential cluster.
Folks the one hour time limit is completely arbitrary. Not supported by any meaningful data.
Now that’s Perfectly understandable at a time when testing resources are in short supply - you need to draw the line somewhere - but this is not a problem right now.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
New #covid19vic outbreak in hospital.
Now would be a great time to hear about what is being done in hospitals for infection control, including ventilation studies.
It would be a great time, because we are out of time.
In the mean time, #dropthehammer on cluster management.
I just want to say the word 'time' one more time, because I feel I didn't say it enough in the first tweet.....
Ask their household members to isolate. Pay them serious coin if you have to. Test them on Day 5 and 11, cos we know isolation is not perfect.
Ask ALL their casual contacts to get tested too. It'll be what, 1000 people? nothing.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
DISGRACEFUL our Midterms were fraught w/outright corruption & fraud. My husband is a VETERAN. We're SENIORS. I left thug infested NY to now corrupt FL. This is no longer USA. We are being taken over by enemies both foreign & domestic. And NO CONSQUENCES?
We have no retirement to look forward to. NONE. My husband is sick & still working. I am struggling with my small bookstore. I feel DOOMED. 62 years old with my health & feeling like I wish God would just take me away from the evil permeating my beloved USA.
And the IRS that hounds me every single year. Why? Because of Obama's disastrous economy I couldn't get A JOB. Despite numerous skills & A+++ employment history. I had to take my IRA just to live & was penalized BIG LEAGUE just to live! No handouts. NO HEALTH INSURANCE.
Read 8 tweets

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