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Jul 3rd 2022
📊VIC - Overview
3rd July 2022

Total cases: 2,130,528 (🔺8,325)
- PCR: 1,022,393 (🔺2,108)
- Rapid: 1,108,135 (🔺6,217)

New cases today: 8,368
- PCR: 1,941
- Rapid: 6,427

Hospital: 476 (🔺14)
ICU: 20 (🔺2)
Vent: 4 ( ▪ )
Deaths: 3,969 (🔺22)
📈VIC - Daily Cases Trend

• All regions
• Western Metro region LGAs
• Northern Metro region LGAs
• Inner Metro region LGAs
📈VIC - Daily Cases Trend

• Inner South East Metro region LGAs
• Southern Metro region LGAs
• Eastern Metro region LGAs
• Loddon Mallee region LGAs
Read 10 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
📊VIC - Daily overview
23rd March 2022

Total cases: 1,205,520 (🔺10,341)
- PCR: 717,270 (🔺3,856)
- Rapid: 488,250 (🔺6,485)

New cases: 10,471
- PCR: 3,405
- Rapid: 7,066

Hospital: 243 (🔻13)
ICU: 23 (🔻1)
Vent: 4 (🔻1)
Deaths: 2,693 (🔺11)
📈VIC - Daily Cases Trend
📈VIC - Daily case rate by age
Read 5 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
📊VIC - Daily overview
22nd March 2022

Total cases: 1,195,179 (🔺9,534)
- PCR: 713,414 (🔺2,485)
- Rapid: 481,765 (🔺7,049)

New cases: 9,594
- PCR: 2,216
- Rapid: 7,378

Hospital: 256 (🔺8)
ICU: 24 (🔺4)
Vent: 5 ( ▪ )
Deaths: 2,682 (🔺7)
📈VIC - Daily Cases Trend
📈VIC - Daily case rate by age
Read 5 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
📊VIC - Daily overview
21st March 2022

Total cases
- PCR: 710,929 (🔺2,037)
- Rapid: 474,716 (🔺5,371)

New cases
- PCR: 1,801
- Rapid: 5,730

- PCR:🔺236
- Rapid:🔻359

Hospital: 248 (🔺33)
ICU: 20 (🔻1)
Vent: 5 (🔺1)
Deaths: 2,675 ( ▪ ) Image
📈VIC - Daily Cases Trend Image
📈VIC - Daily case rate by age Image
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
Premier @DanielAndrewsMP dismisses @MatthewGuyMP stance on 3rd dose mandate: “Mandates are here”

“We only got to that level by mandating”

“And there will be more”

“as for fourth and fifth let’s see how this goes,”
@10NewsFirstMelb #springst Image
Here's @DanielAndrewsMP on the mandate debate .. and his response to @CoalitionVic @MatthewGuyMP policy -- with the Premier accusing others of "anti-vax language,"
@10NewsFirstMelb #springst #covid19vic
And when challenged by a reporter as to whether he was referring to Opposition Leader @MatthewGuyMP re "anti vax" sentiment, this was Premier @DanielAndrewsMP response. @10NewsFirstMelb #springst #covid19vic
Read 3 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
VIC R_eff as of January 9th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.96 ± 0.10

Plus SIR model projection.

Cases shown on a linear scale (log scale in next tweet).

More info…

VIC R_eff as of January 9th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.96 ± 0.10

Plus SIR model projection.

(Cases shown on a log scale)

More info…

Cases in VIC if the current trend continues:

day cases 68% range
Mon: 28281 25903—30742
Tue: 30939 28189—33797
Wed: 33482 30331—36691
Thu: 35707 32263—39301
Fri: 37606 33864—41473
Sat: 39006 35068—43041
Sun: 39862 35846—43962

Doubling time is 5.2 days.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
For the past few months I’ve been working with a COVID Community team. We try to help people manage COVID safely at home.

Inspired by my patients and the fabulous hard working team, I’ve put together some short informative vids.

More on the way
This vid was originally recorded to help our #COVID19Vic patients navigate the “COVID system” and explain why they received so many phone calls.

Now I hear people are not getting called at all 😞. Sharing v2

When people with #COVID19 first come in contact with us, we try to do an ‘initial assessment’.

It’s not just about the symptoms. It’s about offering extra support/treatment & protecting others in the household

Read 6 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
VIC R_eff as of January 8th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 2.34 ± 0.09

Plus SIR model projection.

Cases shown on a linear scale (log scale in next tweet).

More info…

VIC R_eff as of January 8th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 2.34 ± 0.09

Plus SIR model projection.

(Cases shown on a log scale)

More info…

Cases in VIC if the current trend continues:

day cases 68% range
Sun: 28746 26792—30732
Mon: 32450 30130—34762
Tue: 36138 33480—38795
Wed: 39639 36639—42639
Thu: 42778 39446—46015
Fri: 45305 41808—48769
Sat: 47084 43463—50605

Doubling time is 4.1 days.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
#MedTwitter Hi again from your neighborhood cardiologist - This article from the UK is getting quite a lot of interest because it has worked harder in determining the incidence of COVID vaccine myocarditis after boosters. Let's think through this one.…
#Vaccineswork #COVID19 #COVID19France #COVID19Vic #tweetiatrician The structure of their study is essentially that they looked at 42 million Brits >13 years of age and checked, based upon national medical records, whether or not they had COVID disease myocarditis, Vax myo, and...
Which dose and which vaccine it happened after (COVID disease, Moderna, Ox-Astra Zeneca, or Pfizer). They found some data that correlate with the prior Nature study at… .
Read 9 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
appears jane halton head of #covid19💉cepi, which was founded in switzerland's davos by people & groups incl jewish & freemasons & incl grp helped in the genocides of wwi & wwii & who are now calling for the #covid19 great reset, is adviser to australia gov & is para-military
appears gov of switzerland organized the swiss banking secrecy act come into effect on 1 3 (1935)

13 is the🔼alpha &🔽omega✡️

13 is same as the esoteric masonic royal arch freemason's alchemical emblem 🔼 &🔽✡️

leader? duke of kent-🔼alpha variant
appears 1935 was a leap year with adar I & adar II on jewish calendar

1 3 1935 was 26th of adar I

1933 on the 2nd of adar (28 2) adolf hitler declared 'state of emergency'

the month of adar is when the jewish purim genocide was carried out & its celebration held #covid19vic
Read 37 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
We thank everyone who got vaccinated and tested yesterday.

Our thoughts are with those in hospital, and the families of people who have lost their lives.

More data soon:…

#COVID19Vic #COVID19VicData
Our daily report now includes patients who remain in ICU as a result of COVID-19 but are no longer infected. These patients do not require the same infection control but are still factored into ICU capacity.
Doses at state run clinics yesterday: 10,708
Total: 4,758,192
Fully vaccinated (12+): 86%

Hospitalised: 405
7 Day Average: 495
In ICU (active): 77
In ICU (cleared): 63
Ventilated: 51

Tests: 60,818
New cases: 1,221
Lives lost: 4
Active cases: 16,671
Read 4 tweets
Oct 31st 2021
Exit from lockdown in #COVID19Vic was a relief for everyone & more than earned. But in our joy, I don’t think we thought much about those who died on that very day. 1/
It is important we celebrate, in part bc our collective action saved thousands. But also imp we remember the 82 who died of COVID in this last week. We should honour those people same way we do others who die tragically before their time. 2/
It’s important bc our behaviors - as authorities & individuals - still matter in these coming months. Think hard about how those people became infected, & to how we can further minimize that happening. Unvaccinated people esp, but also the vaccinated, can transmit delta. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
Live at 1400 ET:…

"Airway management in the era of severe pneumonia" with #CHESTairways experts from the Airway Domain Task Force.

Will live tweet this talk on this #CHEST2021 thread.

@Chaeface @KDoerschug @J_Mendelson_MD and yours truly! Image
Let's get started with WHY our session is important:
🔥 Appx. 10% emergent intubations may result in failed airway
🔥 It's not just anatomical challenges, but physiological ones that have to be considered, esp with severe pneumonia
🔥 Lessons from the pandemic

* Let's talk about the vicious cycle of injury that occurs in acute resp failure (pic 1)
* Clinical course of disease imp for decision to intubate (pic 2)
* Ideal timing related to worsening work of breathing (pic 3)

PMID: 32747391
PMID: 27626833

#CHEST2021 #CHESTairways ImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
🧭 VIC LGAs late-night monster wrap 👻

VIC as 3 different outbreaks:

1. North/West Metro: +867 = 13,050 (+82%)
2. Rest of Metro: +479 = 6,670 (+352%)
3. Regional VIC: +110 = 1,190 (+441%)

Data: Cases today = 14-day sum (% 14-day change)

LGA details👇

#COVID19Vic #covid19aus
1. North/West Metro (original growth areas) -

📍 North Melbourne: +511=7807 (50%) 😏

Banyule: +24=325 (102%)
Darebin: +53=686 (144%)
Hume: +203=3589 (17%) 👏
Moreland: +63=1135 (46%)
Nillumbik: +6=85 (325%)
Whittlesea: +162=1987 (116%)
📍 West Melbourne: +356=5243 (170%) 😒

Brimbank: +99=1345 (209%)
Hobsons Bay: +25=352 (72%)
Maribyrnong: +30=405 (426%)
Melton: +80=1277 (239%)
Moonee Valley: +35=522 (129%)
Wyndham: +87=1342 (115%)
Read 13 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
As NSW prepares for it’s grand re-opening tomorrow & VIC abt 2 wks behind, I wait cautiously with bated breadth. As I write this thread, the backup area for COVID pts in one of the places I work at has hit capacity. The docs are apprehensive at what the night will bring 🧵1/n
& tomorrow, we will execute the next stage in our surge plan. I want to talk to u abt #Moral_injury. As a HCW in this pandemic, I have been thru the highs & lows of everything my state has borne witness to thru the lens of my work. 2/n #Covid19Vic…
I have worried, angry, hopeful & now concerned. Everyone deserves to come out of lockdown & continue with their lives in the new COVID normal. We have sacrificed so much, Victorians more than any other for the gains we hope to reap in a few weeks. 3/n…
Read 14 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
🧭VIC LGA monster wrap 🤖

Cases in last 14 days V. previous 14 days

1. North / West Metro: +94% (but growth slowing)
2. Rest of Metro: +344% (growth stable)
3. Regional VIC: +489% (growth speeding up)…
#CovidVic #covid19vic #COVID19Aus
1/14. Chart: Hume Image
Region summary -

📍 Inner North / West: +194=2481 (82%)
📍 Outer North / West: +655=8067 (99%)
📍 Inner Melbourne: +85=945 (234%)
📍 Rest of Inner Metro : +145=1184 (329%)
📍 Rest of Outer Metro Melbourne: +256=2140 (432%)

[+Cases today=Cases last 14 days (14-day change %)]
📍 Barwon South West: +10=129 (396%)
📍 Grampians: +20=85 (158%)
📍 Gippsland: +13=123 (2360%)
📍 Hume: +27=224 (600%)
📍 Loddon Mallee: +10=75 (0%)

Read 14 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Just had a lovely long chat with my bestie in California. She works ICU in Central CA, & I thought I'd share her most recent war stories in a Thread: #COVID19Aus #COVID19Vic #Covid19NSW
1: She works in a 22 bed ICU - but that has been expanded to cope with more COVID patients /2
2: Last year, most of their COVID patients were migrant workers, most with significant co-morbidities. But this year, it's across the population demographics, & co-morbidities aren't as big a factor;
3: Patients are only admitted to ICU for ventilation; #Covid19AU #COVID19Vic /3
They have a 40 bed HDU for people who aren't intubated, but need other intensive forms of respiratory support.
4: Most of the ICU patients spend 6-8 weeks ventilated via tracheostomy;
5: And then they DIE. Yes, they die: Since March 2020, this ICU .. #COVID19Aus #Covid19NSW
Read 13 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
VIC R_eff as of October 2nd with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.53 ± 0.09

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

Cases shown on a linear scale (log scale in next tweet).

More info…

VIC R_eff as of October 2nd with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.53 ± 0.09

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

(Cases shown on a log scale)

More info…

Expected numbers if the current trend continues:

day cases 68% range
Sun: 1591 1327—1863
Mon: 1739 1409—2100
Tue: 1896 1485—2367
Wed: 2068 1558—2644
Thu: 2246 1635—2952
Fri: 2433 1706—3288
Sat: 2631 1770—3655

Doubling time is 8.2 days.

Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
VIC R_eff as of October 1st with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.46 ± 0.08

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

Cases shown on a linear scale (log scale in next tweet).

More info…

VIC R_eff as of October 1st with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.46 ± 0.08

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

(Cases shown on a log scale)

More info…

Expected numbers if the current trend continues:

day cases 68% range
Sat: 1373 1146—1591
Sun: 1482 1205—1765
Mon: 1597 1253—1961
Tue: 1718 1309—2161
Wed: 1844 1359—2374
Thu: 1979 1399—2608
Fri: 2110 1443—2866

Doubling time is 9.2 days.

Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
VIC R_eff as of September 30th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.50 ± 0.09

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

Cases shown on a linear scale (log scale in next tweet).

More info…

#COVID19Vic ImageImage
VIC R_eff as of September 30th with daily cases and restrictions. Latest estimate: R_eff = 1.50 ± 0.09

Plus projected effect of vaccination rollout.

(Cases shown on a log scale)

More info…

#COVID19Vic ImageImage
Expected numbers if the current trend continues:

day cases 68% range
Fri: 1322 1099—1557
Sat: 1441 1156—1738
Sun: 1565 1213—1941
Mon: 1694 1265—2161
Tue: 1833 1317—2414
Wed: 1977 1370—2669
Thu: 2130 1424—2953

Doubling time is 8.6 days.

Read 5 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
Re: Testing positivity rates in NSW / VIC / ACT

Testing in NSW is falling - but so is the positivity rate

3 weeks ago, NSW was testing ~130,000 ppl/day. Positivity reached 1.1%

Today, NSW testing just under 120,000 / day.* Positivity: 0.83%

#covid19aus #covid19nsw #COVID19Vic Image
*I calculate the positivity rate by:
% = 7-day avg tests / 7-day avg cases

I think this smoothed rate is slightly more reliable than a daily rate

It shows the trend and eliminates factors like daily volatility, weekend effect, possibly mismatched numerators/denominators
The downside of this smoothed rate is it can be slow to show what's happening

But IMO, that's more of a concern when the positivity rate is rising, rather than falling

Here, the grey line shows the positivity rate in ACT (now 0.7%) Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
🔵 VIC LGA monster 👻 wrap

Looking at VIC as 3 different outbreaks -

North/West: +679=6497 (🔺164%)
Rest of metro: +121=1090 (🔺237%)
Regional VIC: +29=163 (🔺87%)

Data key:
+ Cases today = 14-day sum (14-day change %)…

#covid19vic #covid19aus
📍 North/West

Brimbank: +56=354 (105%) 👀
Darebin: +29=241 (39%)
Hobsons Bay: +11=195 (-11%) 👍
Hume: +337=2839 (40%) 👀
Maribyrnong: +2=48 (29%)
Melton: +44=300 (75%)
Moonee Valley: +18=187 (43%)
Moreland: +49=762 (-12%) 👍
Whittlesea: +74=783 (54%)
Wyndham: +32=580 (16%)
📍 Rest of Metro

Banyule:+12=126 (150%) 👀
Bayside:+4=22 (114%)
Boroondara:+4=20 (200%)
Casey:+27=208 (93%) 👀
Cardinia:+6=93 (265%)
Frankston:+7=24 (600%)
Glen Eira:+0=45 (50%)
Greater Dandenong:+10=101 (35%)
Kingston:+4=39 (357%)
Knox:+4=37 (417%)
Latrobe:+3=4 (200%)
Read 7 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
Vaccine leaderboards

First doses -
🇦🇺 Australia: 75.4% (+0.6%)

ACT: 85.9% (+0.9%) (👇 more on this below )
NSW: 85.2% (+0.5%)
VIC: 76.9% (+0.6%)
TAS: 74.3% (+0.6%)
SA: 65.6% (+0.5%)
NT: 64.9% (+0.4%)
QLD: 63.4% (+1.2%)
WA: 63.0% (+0.6%)


#covid19aus #COVID19Vic #COVID19nsw
Full vax -
🇦🇺 Australia: 50.9% (+0.8%)

ACT: 60.3% (+0.8%)
NSW: 59.2% (+1.4%)
TAS: 55.7% (+0.6%)
NT: 50.7% (+0.7%)
SA: 47.1% (+0.6%)
VIC: 47.0% (+0.4%)
WA: 44.5% (+0.6%)
QLD: 44.5% (+0.5%)

NSW recently overtook ACT on the first dose leaderboard but lost that lead today

See how ACT is still charging ahead with first doses. They burst through 80% and no sign of slowing yet

Whereas ...

3/5 Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
1/ Regardless of your view of the recent protests, VicPol have clearly been employing new and far more violent tactics in recent days. It's extremely alarming.

Here's a super thread for #auspol of #VicPolViolence, starting with the well circulated Flinders St Station "arrest":
2/ A two in one here. A 74 year old lady is pushed to the ground and pepper sprayed by two cops. Simultaneously, a Nine News photographer is also sprayed. Notice the cops aren't the full riot gear ones. It's because many of them are refusing to show up to work.
3/ The high rate of leave (cops have unlimited mental health leave in Vic) leads to fewer, poorly equipped and less well-trained cops to handle protests, making kettling break outs like this one more likely and more violent. Poor tactics from VicPol in a kettle led to this:
Read 22 tweets

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