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Jul 14th 2020
#Demystifying #EIANotification Part III (Cont)
Today we tk up #Public #Consultation.

There was a time when development of an area meant setting up of a 'factory'. But not anymore. PPl hv experienced that a 'factory' may not mean good jobs 4 locals. It often means diversion of
local resources like land, water, forests etc; diversion or damming of streams; mining of hills and forests; pollution of air, lands and water; Cases of new or increase in diseases; growth of mafias and crime etc.

It is also known that d State does not own nature or+
natural resources, but holds it in #trust on behalf of #Public.
Also any project/activity planned by State or Pvt entity must primarily b in Public Interest. Even a privately planned project cannot be against #Public #Interest.

The env impact of a project/activity may not+
Read 16 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
#Demystefying #EIANotification
Today we consider the very 'soul' of d legal instrument called #EIANotification namely d #EIA #Report
An EIA Report is meant to be a thorough scientific document that a professional agency prepares after detailed investigations+
of d likely environmental impacts that d planned project / activity is anticipated to hv at d #site in #question.

Its (#EIA #report) quality wud depend on:
a) Competence of d agency involved
b) Independence of d agency
c) Transparency & inclusive nature of d exercise
The reality of an #EIA #report is that:

Right from #EIA1994Notification to #EIA2006 & now #DraftEIA2020 d #notification provides that it is d #ProjectProponent (PP) that shall #select & #commission the #EIAconsultant at its own cost & terms.

This provision alone+
Read 13 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
#DemystifyingEIA #Notification Part III
Part I and II dealt with #Evolution & #Purpose. Henceforth it shall be d #Process in a series of separate threads. Today we take up #Site #Clearance.
#EIA1994Notification provided for
"The project authorities will intimate+
+ Location of d following project site to d Central Government in d #MoEF while initiating any investigation & surveys:
a. mining;
b. pit-head thermal power stations;
c. hydro-power, major irrigation projects and/or their combination including flood control; +
d. ports and harbours (excluding minor ports);
e. prospecting & exploration of major minerals in areas above 500 hectares;
f. greenfield airports, petrochemical complexes & refineries
The Central Government in d #MoEF will convey a decision regarding suitability +
Read 11 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
#Demystifying #EIANotification Part II
Part I was abt #Evolution. This is abt #Purpose.
Purpose of #EIANotification is to properly assess in #advance d likely environmental impacts of planned developmental ‘#projects’ so that informed decisions cud be made well in time +
& then a #competent #authority (CA) could either accord or decline an EC (#EnvironmentClearance) to a project proponent (PP).
Presumption of course is that d CA is bound by its constitutional duty under Article 48A & d preamble of EPA1986 to ‘protect’ & ‘improve’ d environment.
#project’ has been defined as “expansion or modernization of any activity (if pollution load is to exceed the existing one) or new project listed in Schedule I to d notification.”
#Competent #Authority (CA)
In #EIA1994Notification d CA was d Central Government +
Read 20 tweets

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