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Oct 8th 2019
It's #InternationalLesbianDay!
Here is a thread on iconic lesbians in history, past and present.
I hope you will show your allyship by reading and sharing. 📌

#Lesbians have been with us for centuries.
This sweet couple was photographed in 1907.

19th c lesbians lived together in what were called #BostonMarriages.
Some (straight) historians have tried to de-gay them and erase their lesbian sexuality, agency and history. But they were still lesbians.

Democratic women have long been in the forefront of radical change in America.
#DrAliceHamilton was a physician, scientist, social reformer & #lesbian. Her work created #OSHA. Hamiliton focused on the health of #immigrant women.

Read 25 tweets
Oct 8th 2017
Oct 8 is #InternationalLesbianDay
#MphoTutuVanFurth is an Anglican priest, feminist activist, daughter of #DesmondTutu & lesbian.
Oct 8 is #InternationalLesbianDay
#QuiJin was a Chinese scholar, revolutionary, feminist, writer, warrior & lesbian. She was executed at 31.
Oct 8 is #InternationalLesbianDay
#Chrystos is a #NativeAmerican/indigenous poet, activist, two-spirit, lesbian.
Read 14 tweets

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