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Nov 2nd 2020
New article in @CompEurPol_Jnl where I investigate how the activities of #Europarties in countries of the European Neighbourhood relate with the goals and priorities of EU foreign policy. Short answer: the two mostly align, but sometimes it can get messy.…
I look at the relationship betw. @EPP and partner parties in Georgia and North Macedonia and how it interplays with EU goals there. One observation is that sometimes the logic of partisan allegiance and commitments contrasts EU values (e.g. the case of Gruevski). @rdanielkelemen
Yet it's not all bad! #Europarties in ENP countries also create new pathways of EU influence. The EPP has helped stabilize (somewhat) the party system in Georgia and has tried to mollify/coerce partners when they disagree with EU priorities, e.g. the VMRO and Prespa agreement.
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Jul 16th 2019
Encouraging words from @vonderleyen on strengthening #EU institutions. BUT #transnationallists remain the *wrong* solution: what we need is true European parties instead! Never been a functioning political system without them.
#Leyen @guyverhofstadt @RenewEurope @VoltEuropa
#Transnationallists will no more give a European dimension to our politics than our failed #Europarties have in 40+ years. It's time to create pan-European parties for European (& not only national) electorate, campaigns & policies.
#Leyen @guyverhofstadt @RenewEurope @VoltEuropa
The #FutureofEurope can only be made by parties addressing the whole of Europe. #Transnationallists will not create this, only give more seats to larger countries/parties, to the detriment of smaller ones. Proposals & campaigns would remain national. #Leyen @VoltEuropa
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