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Apr 27th 2023
In this thread, I’ll be breaking down my #PhD thesis completed @IMESuoe in 2022 with the support of @alwaleed_centre. I aimed to explore the early development of Tafsīr through the exegetical contributions of Sufyān al-Thawrī (d. 161/778).
#Tafsir #Quran #Exegesis
The complete thesis is available @EdUniMainLib Research Archive:…

Principal supervisor: Andreas Görke, @IMESuoe
External examiner: Nicolai Sinai, @FAMESOx
I analyzed exegetical traditions attributed to Sufyān, recorded in a unique and fragmentary manuscript in @RazaLibrary Rāmpūr. It has largely escaped a detailed historical-critical assessment in previous scholarship.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
Something went wrong with the thread on #Qurʾan #exegesis in #Urdu so let me try to reconstruct the remaining tweets 9/
First I want to mention perhaps the earliest proper #Shii exegesis was ʿUmdat al-bayān of Maulvī ʿAmmār ʿAlī (1828-1889) who has studied in Lucknow with Mumtāz al-ʿulamāʾ Sayyid Muḥammad Ibrāhīm (1819-1972) and later taught in Lahore and Delhi - I haven't located a copy 10/
From the 1970s we have the rather literary exegesis of the prolific Sayyid Ẓafar Ḥasan Amrohī (d. 1989) who worked extensively in India before moving to Pakistan in 1950 11/ Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
Veamos juntos una de las obras de arte más crípticas del arte medieval.

#HilodeArte para amantes de los secretos que esconden las vidrieras. Vidriera anagógica de la ba...
Siglo XII. El hito (¿o mito?) de la creación del #gótico estaba siendo llevado a cabo por el abad Suger (o Sugerio): la reforma integral de la abadía de Saint-Denis según un programa simbólico cargado de frescura iconográfica y unas técnicas absolutamente renovadoras. Vista del rosetón de la fac...Vista general de las naves ...Vista de las grandes vidrie...Plano de la basílica de Sai...
La #vidriera que nos ocupa no se puede entender sin el resto del proyecto: cuantiosos vitrales figurados, artes suntuarias y sobre todo la propia estructura arquitectónica (porque sí, amigos, existe #iconografía en la arquitectura). Pero hoy no podemos hablar de todo eso.
Read 50 tweets

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