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Feb 6th 2023

Fiqh & Fatwā

A true faqīh…

He was asked a fiqh question. He said —

1. If you’re seeking fatwa (‘ilm in context), then ask the people of your locality

2. If you’re seeking (‘ilm in itself, non-contextual), then the ruling is what Imām Abū Hanīfa has stated…
I bring attention to this because, the crux of #metafiqh is to distinguish between non-contextual and contextual rulings and to delinate the process of reaching contemporary codification. It’s a pioneering effort. May Allah grant highest tawfīq and avert all envious eyes…
May Allah bless the true fuqahā’ and grant us from their adab and ‘ilm and guide us through their deep understanding and keep us firm upon their way. آمين


اللهم صلّ وسلّم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وآله
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Aug 18th 2022
Khomeini and his team used ANY platform they could -even Haram ones- to frame their resilient Islamic-fascism regime like as modern “government”. Their BIGGEST lie.
Their interview with @Penthouse in august 1979 /1
#SalmanRushdie #Fatwa ImageImage
if people disagree with me, they will not follow me, says Khomeini.
He knows well, even at that moment, that this will have a big punishment according to Islamic rules + him claiming the title “Imam”.
Later, number of people faced years of prisons, a some execution sentences /2
Today, women in #Iran will go to jail for up to 10 years if they send their pictures or videos to Masih Alinejad, who is a target of terror by the regime Khomeini founded /3
Read 7 tweets

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