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Oct 10th 2022
THE SIMULATION - The Smart Developer Strategy.

You can be a good developer in the space and still be broke.

What do I mean? I will explain;πŸ‘‡

A thread 🧡, RT for Others
#DeFi #NFTs #ForeverInProfits 🧡
The most successful developers I have seen and met in this space are not necessarily the best, but they understood the pattern and structure on which certain things are built in this space.
Everything follows a pattern as stated by the law of simulation.

Simulation is the imitation of one ecosystem by another, i.e., if it has happened on blockchain A, it will happen on Blockchain B.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
The 70/30 RULE; Never be Overexposed.

Losing all your liquidity in this current market is amazingly easy.

How do I mean? I will explainπŸ‘‡.
#DeFi #Nfts #ForeverInProfits Image
It is one thing to accumulate liquidity and it is another thing to be able to protect it. To protect your liquidity, you must master the act of managing money.

Money management simply means self-imposed rules you must follow to minimize loss and maximize profit in the market.
I laugh when I see people enter this market without any calculated risk measures;

-Poor risk and money management

The truth is this current market is the type of market that takes from the ignorant and gives to the knowledgeable.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
No sane farmer plants when others are harvesting or harvests when others are planting. How do you know when to plant or harvest? The game requires a lot of sense but let me explain.πŸ‘‡
🧡 #DeFi #Nfts #Foreverinprofits Image
Yield farming is a way for token holders to maximize rewards across various DeFi platforms. Farmers provide liquidity to various token pairs and earn trading fees as rewards. These liquidity pairs can also be staked to earn more rewards.
Now, there are several ways you can farm in DeFi:
1. Provide Liquidity.
2. Staking.
3. Lending & Borrowing.
Read 13 tweets

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