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Jun 23rd 2022
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign is long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. 🎵 #mosen 🎶 @jeffroe #SchmittList @erictrump
@Eric_Schmitt @jeffroe @EricTrump To help brighten your day (if you’re blue), I’ve seen fit to add a sneak preview of Schmitt’s 22 tunes. Each one squarely lampoons the ineptitude of his sad crew. They’re listed in alphabet’s order; each tune makes this campaign grow shorter.

@andrewleppert @ivankatrump @SoCoGOP
@Eric_Schmitt @jeffroe @EricTrump @AndrewLeppert @IvankaTrump @SoCoGOP 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need #RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

Read 29 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle @MoGov To help brighten your day (if you’re blue), I’ve seen fit to add a sneak preview of Schmitt’s 22 tunes. Each one squarely lampoons the ineptitude of his sad crew. They’re listed in alphabet’s order; each tune can make his term grow shorter.

@mariannadeal @AndrewLeppert @SoCoGOP ImageImage
@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle @MoGov @mariannadeal @AndrewLeppert @SoCoGOP 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

Read 29 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch @MoGov With just #200days left to go ’til
the primary, Eric’s #SchmittShow
little headway can make,
for this candidate’s fake
& his pro-COVID ”policies” blow.
But at least he has a full playlist
before August 2nd he’s dismissed.
@mattholt33 @TheHeartlandPOD @jrosenbaum @BigElad @eyokley
@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch @MoGov @mattholt33 @TheHeartlandPOD @jrosenbaum @BigElad @eyokley To help brighten your day (if you’re blue), I’ve seen fit to add a sneak preview of Schmitt’s 22 tunes. Each one squarely lampoons the ineptitude of his sad crew. They’re listed in alphabet’s order; each tune can make his term grow shorter.

@mariannadeal @andrewleppert @SoCoGOP
Read 59 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov @RoyBlunt @HawleyMO 1a/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need Roy Blunt in the Senate to succeed.
Read 32 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov @RoyBlunt @tishaura 2/ Like Schmitt’s polling, #AutumnLeaves will fall. Medicine? He knows nothing at all. He wants people to chafe: keep #Missouri unsafe. Any recovery he’d forestall w/ more tirades against using masks. In publicity this AG basks.

@fema @CDCgov @govparsonmo
Read 38 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need Roy Blunt in the Senate to succeed.

@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney @MoGov @tishaura 1a/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

Read 29 tweets

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