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Oct 11th 2022
Thanks for using GB Foam Direct, Darren! We're looking forward to watching your video.
"My motorhome did not come with all the cushions, the fit and service was perfect. Website super easy to use and quality and feel is perfect. Highly recommend this company and their service. There will be a full review on my Youtube channel if you want to see videos Dk goes Wild"
Need foam cut to size for #motorhomes? Visit our website or get in touch:…

#motorhome #caravan #campervan #foam
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Jan 22nd 2022
@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle @MoGov To help brighten your day (if you’re blue), I’ve seen fit to add a sneak preview of Schmitt’s 22 tunes. Each one squarely lampoons the ineptitude of his sad crew. They’re listed in alphabet’s order; each tune can make his term grow shorter.

@mariannadeal @AndrewLeppert @SoCoGOP ImageImage
@Eric_Schmitt @ColumbiaBugle @MoGov @mariannadeal @AndrewLeppert @SoCoGOP 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

Read 29 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch @MoGov With just #200days left to go ’til
the primary, Eric’s #SchmittShow
little headway can make,
for this candidate’s fake
& his pro-COVID ”policies” blow.
But at least he has a full playlist
before August 2nd he’s dismissed.
@mattholt33 @TheHeartlandPOD @jrosenbaum @BigElad @eyokley
@Eric_Schmitt @_CAHuddleston @DLoesch @MoGov @mattholt33 @TheHeartlandPOD @jrosenbaum @BigElad @eyokley To help brighten your day (if you’re blue), I’ve seen fit to add a sneak preview of Schmitt’s 22 tunes. Each one squarely lampoons the ineptitude of his sad crew. They’re listed in alphabet’s order; each tune can make his term grow shorter.

@mariannadeal @andrewleppert @SoCoGOP
Read 59 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov @RoyBlunt @HawleyMO 1a/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need Roy Blunt in the Senate to succeed.
Read 32 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov @RoyBlunt @tishaura 2/ Like Schmitt’s polling, #AutumnLeaves will fall. Medicine? He knows nothing at all. He wants people to chafe: keep #Missouri unsafe. Any recovery he’d forestall w/ more tirades against using masks. In publicity this AG basks.

@fema @CDCgov @govparsonmo
Read 38 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need Roy Blunt in the Senate to succeed.

@thisweekinmopol @scottfaughn @PatWhiteSTL @RepSheenBean @JoeBiden @BarklageCompany @AJSchwadron @Eric_Schmitt @KCMikeMahoney @MoGov @tishaura 1a/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

Read 29 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
Locals are complaining; a friend received this (attached message) from a Source in the South.

Gohmert's information regarding migrant women & children is consistent, but we've likely had a #BorderCrisis for some time.

Message from source: Image
Source has been concerned for some time; witnesses declare decomposition smell in a sub-property. Even with a newborn child, Source has several months worth of documentation showing what Source believes to be a hub for illegal immigrants to attain housing..
Read 5 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
Rolling out!
The Compassion Caravan is a different sort of protest... part #Black #Miami history lesson, part field trip, all-in protest against injustice ... (with social distancing)
@WPLGLocal10 #MIAMIPROTEST #sunday
This is the route👇🏼for the Compassion Caravan protestors.
Some on this journey live within just a few miles of these historic neighborhoods, tho are seeing & learning about them first-hand for the first time today.

@WPLGLocal10 #MiamiProtest #Sunday Image
Case in point, Liberty Square, a massive neighborhood in “Liberty City,.. the oldest public housing project in the country, opened in 1937.
@WPLGLocal10 #MiamiProtest #Sunday #Compassion #Caravan
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2020
This Antifa thing has been used to create division for years now. Here are some examples that were verified:
Picture was circulating as Antifa beating police. Photo was edited from the original ( in Greece).
Also russians forgot to turn off location on their twitter account
2/ this antifa non sense has ben used for years. It is the new #Caravan
3/ pretending to be antifa boston on youtube, forgot to hide the confederate flag
Read 11 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
#Capital of Adal Sultanate #Harar and #Caravan Trade system of the #Islamic State.
A Brief Review of the Islamic State Harar and Trade system.
Harar caravan trade system is divided into 2.
1. Export
2. Import.
Trade system of #Muslims. ImageImageImage
yearly 2: 3: 4: 5: 6 times they prepare for the Caravan by the tribal and tribal representatives on the trade route to be protected by the security of the caravan route they pass, they are protected from looting from one tribe to another, and those who carry it do so to the end.
Occasionally, armed robbery and killings can occur when this large merchandise is run by Hiraa, a man-made pirated company.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 28th 2018
On Sunday between five hundred and a thousand caravan migrants carrying their country’s flag bull rushed the border. They screamed profanities and hurled rocks and bottles at the brave Border Patrol men and women protecting our nation. #2
The Border Patrol was correct to use non-lethal tear gas to break up the horde of invaders. They are defending our nation’s border from an invading force, complete with weapons, (however crude) and flying a foreign nation’s flag. #3
Read 12 tweets
Nov 25th 2018
🔥MAKE NO MISTAKE🔥by closing the border at the largest US-Mexico checkpoint between San Diego & Tijuana, Donald Trump is intentionally creating a situation where conflict & violence is MORE LIKELY to occur... which he will then USE as a political tool. #CaravanCrisis 🗽🇺🇸
💥UPDATE💥By closing the border at the largest US-Mexico checkpoint, Trump is intentionally creating a situation where conflict & violence is MORE LIKELY to occur, which he will then USE as a political tool... and it's starting now. #CaravanCrisis 🗽🇺🇸
JUST RELEASED PHOTO... shows that many of the scary #Caravan invaders are men disguised as women and barefooted small children, some in diapers. #Tijuana

(📷: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
Read 3 tweets
Nov 25th 2018
U. S. Mexico should agree to a similar Safe Third Country Agreement like with Canada. I was in Guatemala weeks ago- the second #Caravan came across the Honduran border almost 1500 men - less than 200 women children. Carrying the Honduran flag shouting Trump give us jobs
Some were gang associated w tattoos. They were also being led by organizers. In Pakistan, I remember the IDP camps I visited with displaced families fleeing war - this caravan was not like that at all. Border security is an essential part of protecting our nation. For those who
Disagree a Border Patrol agent told me “sponsor the men at the border for asylum, put up the money and give them a room in your house with your family.” It’s obviously trusting for BP and ICE agents.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 22nd 2018
2/"The Trump administration has given U.S. troops along the southern border permission to use force in protection of federal Border Patrol agents, but there has been no decision to alter the military’s mission there, Defense Secretary Mattis said Wednesday...
3/"According to the order, signed by White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, military personnel may use “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention and cursory search” to protect CBP..." WaPo, 11/21/18
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Oct 28th 2018
Half oktober vertrok een migrantenkaravaan van ca. 7000 mensen - ‘the caravan’ - vanuit Honduras richting de VS. Sindsdien voeden mensen met autoriteit op landelijke nieuwszenders complottheorieën: the caravan wordt door Soros betaald, het zijn geen vluchtelingen maar ‘criminals’
en ‘invaders’. Ze zouden worden gestuurd door de ‘Zionist Occupied Government’ van de VS (de Am. overheid geïnfiltreerd door joden), etc. Het lijkt erop (obv sociale media-gedrag vd verdachte) dat de aanslagpleger op de synagoge door deze complottheorieën werd gemotiveerd.
Zelfs tijdens en na deze (grootste antisemitische) aanslag in de VS van gisteren, gaan de bizarre aantijgingen door. Het neonazistische Stormfront plaatst letterlijk een smoelenboek van joodse mensen in Amerikaanse media (CNN, NYT ed)
Read 9 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018

My parents had to choose between spending nights in closets and basements as rockets rained down around us, or to leave their life and business behind. We had the great fortune of being Americans, so there was somewhere to escape.

Knowing what it's like to be forced from my home as a child under gunfire, the idea that families escaping violence to protect their children are an invading horde is REPUGNANT. And any media outlet that parrots that frame should do some serious soul-searching.
The GOP's hideous xenophobia, its dehumanizing of immigrants is un-American and unconscionable. Climate change could wipe out humanity, yet not a word from these hypocrites, but watch them target migrant families as a looming threat to America.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018
They don’t think they’re stupid, they KNOW they’re racist and xenophobic.
I said this in 2016 and will keep saying it until it sinks in. LEARN THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY, it’s the *only* strategy the GOP’s had for 50+ years now and it works b/c mainstream White fragility refuses to believe that racism shapes American politics.
YES, they are fearmongering about Latino/Muslim refugees/immigrants 2 weeks before an election. How the fuck else do y’all expect the 90+% White GOP to rally its racist base? 🤷🏾‍♀️ What the fuck else do they even have to offer the deplorables but a culture war? Not a damn thing.
Read 26 tweets

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