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Mar 20th 2023
🧵1/12 Meet Eskinder Nega, a symbol of resistance against ethnic inequality, oppression, and injustice in Ethiopia. A journalist and political activist, he has faced imprisonment and harassment for standing up for press freedom and freedom of expression. #EskinderNega #Ethiopia
🧵2/12 Eskinder is the founder and leader of the opposition party, Balderas for True Democracy. Despite spending a total of 20 years in and out of prison under two regimes, his resolve for democracy and justice remains unshaken. @ervstours #FreeEskinder #BalderasForTrueDemocracy
🧵3/12 As editor of Etopis, Satenaw, Asqual, and Menelik, Eskinder received multiple international awards for his fearless journalism and dedication to democracy. Yet, he continues to be perceived as a threat to the political elite in Ethiopia. #PressFreedom
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