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Jun 30th 2020
Today's the end of the #FreshOffTheBoat/#KimsConvenience crowdfund on @seedandspark. It began as a campaign for @EWPlayers @reelasian @vcmedia; midway thru these orgs voted to direct further funds to #AA4BL's campaign supporting Black voting & justice:… ImageImage
Please support the #FOTB/#KIMS crowdfund if you can today and help Asian American artists show support for Black lives. EVERY dollar you give goes to @Blklivesmatter @BlackVotersMtr @TransLawCenter and the Louisville Community Bail Fund. #AA4BL
Bonus: @HudsonDYang has offered to do live Zoom chats with the first 3 $100 donors, and personal video thank yous for the first 10 $50 donors.

Plus Hudson and I will each MATCH the next $500 in donations—$1000 total—given today. So please give if you can!
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22nd 2020
With #FreshOffTheBoat ending tonight after six seasons, network TV is losing its only Asian American household.

For your Asian Am family show, you gotta go basic or streaming:

Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (Comedy Central)

Alexa and Katie (Netflix)

PEN15 (Hulu)... ImageImageImage
Widening net to whole continent: 🇨🇦 Image
RIP 2019 Andi Mack Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
My latest for @InkstoneNews is a personal reflection on how #FreshOffTheBoat got to 100 freaking episodes (with my son @HudsonDYang on board)...and transformed the face of Hollywood.…
“At the time the pilot was being shot, @HudsonDYang was barely nine years old, a four-foot-something little nugget with a halo of bushy hair, a surplus of attitude and zero acting experience.”…
“Hudson is now 6’2”, a young man who’s lived much of his life and experienced many of his (simulated) firsts in front of the camera – his first crush, his first kiss, his first time driving a car, his first job, his first girlfriend and his first breakup.”…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 18th 2018
#CrazyRichAsians is headed for a monster opening, and it’s essential to look at why. A full 38% of viewers so far have been Asian—we’re COMING OUT for this film as we never have in cinematic history.

But another 24% of viewers are black or Hispanic: *viewers are 62% nonwhite*.
The book #CrazyRichAsians was based on was a NYT bestseller. When the target for the book is described by folks in publishing, they say “white female, summer read, book club, 35-54.” That audience isn’t who’s filling theaters—yet.

They’re the ones who might take this to $100M.
If you haven’t seen it yet, a small spoiler. After the first 15 minutes of #CrazyRichAsians, you will not see another nonwhite person on screen. Not even in background shots. And the only white people with speaking roles get played like dominoes. In the first five minutes.
Read 22 tweets

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