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Nov 9th 2022
How to sing a performance of Orfeo tonight at English National Opera North( @Opera_North ) when it's parent company being eviscerated on 20 weeks notice by @DCMS @ace_national @ace__london. Nicholas Serota needs resign in honourable protest & not hide when #ENO
which is slap bang CENTRAL to the Arts Ecosystem in this nation is being destroyed. There will BE no artists to tour to or perform in all UK regions if this 92 yr old company, founded for UK artists /audiences is lost.
ENO develops every single artist:-singers, conductors, designers, directors, librettists,repetiteurs, casting directors, agents , you name it ..ALL in one way or another in their lives in the UK opera arts music community.
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Nov 6th 2022
The ROH (& ballet) is a flagship company bringing mostly international artists in most disciplines of the art form. It is not our NATIONAL opera company. Not in terms of ambitions of education, price entry level, outreach, audience demographic, innovation,artists or identity.
ENO is/has always been these things. That is why it created English National Opera North which tours the smaller cities / venues in midlands & up to Newcastle. Why axe the National company in our capital where larger audiences for every production will only be sustainable there
due to population/travel accessibility/ being the cultural hub? Every large European city sustains its international house & home house for its own creatives & tours from there.
You can't find a year round audience in any region outside the capital for rep theatre/ musical so
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