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Feb 20th 2022
A shout out to passengers on @Fly_Norwegian flight D82766 from Helsinki to London, diverted to Copenhagen on 18.02.22 because of #stormEunice. If you consider a complaint against the airline, get in touch. For everyone else, here is the story. (1)
9 am on 18.02 @Fly_Norwegian captain on flight D82766 announces there is going to be a bumpy ride en route to London bc of the storm. On approach to #Gatwick the plane makes 2 landing attempts in extreme turbulence, circles around South Downs & is then diverted to Copenhagen (2)
Having spent 5 hrs in the air, passengers, many of whom kids, then are left in the aircraft for another two hours while @Fly_Norwegian tries to sort out what to do with them all. No food, drinks, help are offered. (3)
Read 13 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
It was great for us, @CostainGroup, @Gatwick_Airport + @GatwickExpress to welcome @HenrySmithUK to #Gatwick today, to see how we're building for a brighter future with @transportgovuk . Read more about the £150m development here ⬇️ /1… Image
This blue sky will be filled with a new overhead concourse, stretching across platforms 7-5, and platforms 5-6 (currently out of use) will be rebuilt much wider, with new escalators and lifts to make travelling through Gatwick's station much easier for everyone. /2 Image
This former escalator from platforms 5+6 is no more, and the footbridge is also set for demolition - a tough task with trains running on the Brighton Main Line underneath! /3 Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
Quick thread about C-UAS for civilian infrastructure, hope the #Gatwick incident helps to discard a few of the grifters promoting gimmicks 🤦🏻‍♂️

First, find and ID suspicious drones, forgot about radars, you can’t have them in a lot of places (close to schools, cell towers...) 1/?
And for airports they are an extra problem and won’t tell you what’s exactly that “blip”, nor are good to track anything approaching too close to the ground. What you need? Passive detection, 24/7, 360º, all-weather... check @HGHInfraredSyst and their Spynel systems 2/?
So you find “something” getting into your restricted area, put the cameras on it (or them) and confirm that shouldn’t be there, now what? Jamm it? Yeah... forgot about it in civilian areas and even worse in airports. GPS spoofing? Again... forgot about that near any airport 3/?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
Pair arrested over Gatwick Airport drone disruption released without charge…
#Gatwick #GatwickAirport #GatwickDrones #GatwickChaos
'In a statement, Sussex Police said the man and woman arrested were no longer suspects following the widespread disruption of flights through the illegal use of drones.'

#Gatwick #GatwickAirport #GatwickDrones #GatwickChaos
'Gatwick Airport Limited is now offering £50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.'

#Gatwick #GatwickAirport #GatwickDrones #GatwickChaos
Read 3 tweets
Dec 21st 2018
A bunch of newspapers and media outlets have today splashed that the #Gatwick disruption could be the fault of an "eco warrior".

This is *horrible* journalism, for reasons I outline here:…

First, to give benefit of the doubt, the police have said "one line of enquiry" is that this is the work of someone involved in environmental activism. The police have also said it is one of "several lines of enquiry".

Fine, report those two bits of information.
But DON'T put as your headline splash that "eco-warriors" or "environmental protestors" are at fault/suspected of/have been blamed for this, as @thetimes @Telegraph and @TheSun all have.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 20th 2018

Today's events at #Gatwick reminded me of my own favourite story concerning a Drone. So here it is for you all

It should provide a cautionary tale of reliance on technology, as well an insight into how UK academia functions

I won't be sharing any identifying details, just so you know. I shouldn't do that anyway, but luckily I can't remember the specifics in any case. I just know it was a UK university, and the source was one I trusted who worked there, so I assume this is a true story


This was many years ago, in the *early days* of #drones, so they weren't quite on the shelf items yet, but they were known about as a *thing*, if that made sense? They'd entered the mainstream as something cool and cutting edge by this point, but weren't that common yet

Read 22 tweets
Dec 20th 2018
In light of #Gatwick #drone incident, a thread on anti-drone measures.
Bringing down rogue #drones is tricky - but increasingly important. Unsurprising that already in 2016, US spent almost 10% of its drone R&D funding on funding of anti-drone measures.
Around the world, militaries are acquiring (developing/testing) anti-drone tech
Read 10 tweets
Dec 20th 2018
#BREAKING: #Gatwick Airport in #London continues to be on lockdown as drones are reportedly still being spotted around the runways. Some flights have now been cancelled as a result while others are being diverted./@BreakingNLive
#BREAKING: #Gatwick Airport's Chief Operating Officer says a “large drone” is still operating over the airport, and the #London airport is still closed to air traffic
#BREAKING: The Government has gone to ground on #Gatwick suggesting the drone attack is serious beyond the utter chaos being suffered by passengers..No one in authority is saying anything 20 hours on-@jonsnowC4
Read 7 tweets

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