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Most recents (2)

May 3rd 2019
This is rich! One of @tedlieu's consultants happens a parent indicted in #operationvarsityblues small world from the guy that funnels campaign money to @Stanford maybe Jane was giving him tips on how to buy your kids way into college?…
Ted only pays the best felons.…
Jane really loves @SenGillibrand gave her maximum allowed, what does #Gillibrand2020 know about #operationvarsityblues and do all these Democrats plan on keeping the felon money? Of course they do.…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 24th 2018
Since this article doesn't seem to have any interactive element to it, I'm going to hold a series of polls to determine the winner: #DemBracket #DemPrimary2020 #2020Polls #MarchMadness #BracketOfRandomThings #Bracketology #FITN @TheDemocrats
First matchup in the #Lefties portion of the bracket! Of these 2, which would you rather support in the 2020 Democratic primaries for president?
1. @SenSanders i.e. @BernieSanders #Sanders2020
2. @ninaturner #Turner2020
#TwitterPoll #FeelTheBern #OurRevolution
(Oops, I forgot to include the seeds; Bernie is 1st seed and Nina is 8th seed. The '1' and '2' by their names aren't seeds, but rather correspond to the poll options. I'll fix this in the rest of them, seeing as someone's already voted in this one.)
Read 33 tweets

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