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Oct 30th 2022
Photos of #Girnar Tirth, Junagadh district, #Gujarat by @SamDalrymple123

We know from Ashoka's inscriptions at the base of the hill that it was a major pilgrimage site from at least 250BC. This tirth is dedicated to 22nd Tirthankar Shri Neminath.
@GujaratTourism ImageImage
Around the 8th century CE, a temple was constructed dedicated to Goddess Ambika at the top, the current temple was rebuilt in the 15th century. It was under the Solanki Chaulukyas around the 12th century that temple construction here reached its pinnacle
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The grandest & oldest-surviving temple here is Neminath temple, an imposing imperial construction of granite built in 1128 CE. Then Mallinatha temple in 1231 CE, the vast mandapas of Samprati Raja temple in 1453 CE & the domes of Melak Vasahi Temple in the late 15th century
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Jan 4th 2021
1/365 - Starting this thread with one of the first Motorcycles to be built in India. The @royalenfield #Bullet350. A Motorcycle which was initially built for the Indian Army but with time found patronage amongst varying genre of people achieving a cult status over the decades. ImageImageImageImage
2/365 - After selling imported Vespas for a while, Bajaj Auto started manufacturing the #Bajaj150 under license in 1959. This was one of the first Scooters in India and certainly changed the 2-Wheeler scene as it was initially available at a significant premium in the market. ImageImageImageImage
3/365 Automobile Products of India (API) was the 1st Scooter maker in India and manufactured the #Lambretta Li 150 Series 2 under license from Innocenti at Bombay in the 1960's. This scooter was very popular and made appearances in a few famous Bollywood movies too. #BikerLife ImageImageImageImage
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