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Apr 15th 2021
An unexpected manifestation of the pandemic is the bifurcation of the global order in a way unseen since the Cold War. It begs the question—is the world witnessing the beginning of a new bipolar era of global competition? A thread 🧵#GlobalSystem #geopolitics #RaisinaFiles
In the presence of a hegemon, there is always a process of polarisation that leads to the creation of a secondary system organised around a pole consisting of a single competitor or a group of rivals that seek to undermine the incumbent’s global power supremacy.
A global reserve currency is not possible nowadays without global power projection capabilities
that enable the US to control the interconnected flows of goods, capital, services, data, & protect trade & transport routes from disruptions that might result in major supply shocks.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 2nd 2020
A few thoughts on #Coronavirus:
1) See how USSR regime handled the first weeks following Chernobyl catastrophe (a lot of information about it on Internet) to understand the reactions of the Communist Government during emergencies. #Coronavirus contagion began in December 2019!
2) The nuclear accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant was completely classified & the communist regime repeated its deceitful mantra: “Nothing threatens peoples’ health.” The whole emergency was handled with deception, cover-ups & control of narrative…
3) So far we don’t really know what we don’t know about #Coronavirus and the CCP is providing us with numbers we can’t be sure that they reflect the reality on the ground. How long has the contagion been spreading since December before the Government decided to introduce masks?
Read 8 tweets

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