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Jul 7th 2019
#Poonjeri - A Pallava Sea-port near Mamallapuram!

#Mamallapuram, the famous centre of #Pallava art, is also said to have been a sea-port right from the beginning of the Common Era!
#Perumpanarruppadai, one of the #Sangam classics written by the poet 'Katiyalur Uruthiran Kannanar' refers to a place called #Nirpeyar, the city which abounds in sea-borne goods as an active sea-port of 'Tondaiman llanthiraiyan' of #Kanchi!

The place called #Malange mentioned by #Ptolemy, a Greek Geographer of the 2nd Century CE may be #Mamallapuram!

On the basis of the find of #Roman coins of #Theodosius (4th Century CE) at #Mamallapuram had contact with countries beyond the sea, particularly with #Roman Empire!
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