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Jun 2nd 2023
1️⃣ "Recognize the divine spark within all beings." 🙏
Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught us "Na ko bairee, nahee bigana" - There is no enemy; there is no outsider. Let's embrace the beauty of diversity and see unity in all. Spread love and acceptance! ❤️ Image
2️⃣ Guru Angad Dev Ji emphasized the significance of education and literacy. "Let there be one language of the learned and the illiterate," he proclaimed. Education is a catalyst for growth, empowerment, and understanding among people. #EducationForAll #GuruAngadDevJi Image
3️⃣ Guru Amar Das Ji highlighted the value of selfless service, or "seva." "Selfless service is a treasure of virtue," he taught. By serving others without any expectations, we can create a positive impact in our communities and uplift those in need. #Seva #GuruAmarDasJi Image
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