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Nov 22nd 2022
1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on the management of aFXa-DOAC-associated #hemorrhage and specifically the role of coag laboratory testing in these challenging cases.
1b) Our expert author is #pharmacist Craig Beavers, PharmD @beaverspharmd CV Clinical Pharmacy Specialist @UK_COP, and Immediate Past Chair of the @ACCinTouch #ACCCVT Section
2) This 🆓program is accredited for 0.5h CE/#CME for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nurespractitioners #pharmacists and is supported by a grant from AstraZeneca. See statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at
Read 37 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
#livertwitter #GITwitter #MedTwitter #tweetorial
âť“#Cirrhosis, right lobe atrophied, relative hypertrophy of left lobe
📌Splenic/superior mesenteric vein blood flow changes👉distortion of liver structure, re-routing hepatotropic substances to left, less to right➡️ Rt atrophy
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âť“But in #BuddChiari #Syndrome, caudate lobe enlarged
📌"#laminar flow’ theory"👉 larger redistribution of nutritients,hormones,hepatotropic factors to left hemi-liver at caudate level, most portal branches supplying caudate lobe from left portal vein #MedStudentTwitter
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âť“#Fatigue primary biliary cholangitis (#PBC)
📌cholestasis, #endotoxemia, systemic #Inflammation👉dysautonomia, central/peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, sympathetic overactivity, impaired baroreflexes, low peripheral #muscle perfusion, lactic acid mishandling, fatigue
Read 9 tweets

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