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Feb 22nd 2023
It will take until 2030 to reign in the current bout of hydrogen mania, embark on a real plan to eliminate the 2.3% of emissions currently caused by 94 Mt/year of grey & black hydrogen, and target its use on a few otherwise hard-to-decarbonise sectors. We are in the foothills. 1/
Let me be quite clear - we will need clean hydrogen. But fantasies of a hydrogen economy, hydrogen society and globally traded hydrogen market need to be abandoned. There will be a global market in ammonia, but mainly for fertilisers, chemicals, shipping fuel and some storage. 2/
Again, to be clear. The issue is not production cost. Learning curves mean green hydrogen will end up cheaper than grey. But nothing will change the physics and thermodynamics of hydrogen: low density; escapey; explodey; embrittley; NOx-producey if burnt; greenhouse gasey. 3/
Read 18 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Hilarious. Any engineer can tell you hydrogen is not like LNG. 30% energy lost in liquefaction; 38% of the volumetric energy density; 6x the boil-off; embrittles; -253C; etc. Transport cost 2-3x production cost? No more than homeopathic quantities of H2 will ever move by ship.
And if it's ammonia, then they should just call it fertiliser, not hydrogen. There will only ever be homeopathic volumes of ammonia shipped for power generation because power->H2->ammonia->liquid->shipping->power currently has a round trip efficiency of ~15% vs ~85% for HVDC.
Nope, not just ammonia: "The Participants aim to closely collaborate on all aspects necessary to kickstart the hydrogen economy and to create a transatlantic supply chain for hydrogen well before 2030, with first deliveries aiming for 2025." Homeopathy!…
Read 6 tweets
May 1st 2022
So, this Mayday we're still on break between Season 5 and Season 6 of @MLCleaningUp. My guest for Episode 1 of Season 6 is an immense figure in climate finance - find out who it is at the end of this thread. Meanwhile, let's recap the top 12 most popular episodes so far... 1/14
In 12th place it's "Green Trade or Green Tradeoff", with former Australian PM Tony Abbott. Not known for supporting climate action, his is an important voice nevertheless. And we agree that trade is essential to reduce the cost of clean solutions. 2/14…
In 11th place, it's "The Man in Charge of Charging", @PRomano_OG, CEO of @ChargePointnet. Transport is going electric, it's going electric fast, and here's why. 3/14…
Read 21 tweets

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