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Aug 29th 2021
We found @SenMastriano on the East Plaza AFTER the steps were breached.

Not surprisingly, he didn't leave right away, he stayed.
I wonder who did he hugged?


#SeditionHunters @DougMastriano @MasaSpalatin @CoryCullington @capitolhunters
@SenMastriano's journey to the Capitol started at 1:15pm on a #SeditionGolfCart with #IamJeremyOliver (whom he spent the day with)
Getty Video 1295039220

#SeditionHunters #CapitolRiots @DougMastriano @MasaSpalatin @CoryCullington @capitolhunters @SenMastriano

In @SenMastriano's #Jan6th interviews he claims he didn't see anything on the West side. Weird, how do you miss the chaos in the background of these photos taken on the NW lawn?
#SeditionHunters #CapitolRiots @DougMastriano @MasaSpalatin @CoryCullington @capitolhunters
Read 9 tweets
May 22nd 2021
PA State Sen. Mastriano taking his wife on an insurrection tour of the NW Lawn. #Mastriano #SenMastriano #SeditionHasConsequences
Why wouldn't you think you should enter? Especially when you have #ZZTopPB opening the gates for you.
#Mastriano #SenMastriano #SeditionHunters #SeditionHasConsequences…
Here are 2 vids synced up. Gives you a better perspective of what the police line they walked though seconds later.
TY @CoryCullington @MasaSpalatin for vid and syncing help!

#Mastriano #SenMastriano #SeditionHunters #IamDougMastriano #IamJeremyOliver
Read 4 tweets

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