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Jun 7th 2023
“Inspector General Joseph Cuffari Has Been Under Fire for Belated Notification of @SecretService Text Deletions and for Concealing Sexual Misconduct Findings”

MUST READ by @schwellenbach @POGOwatchdog 👇
REMINDER from April 2021:

“In the months leading up to the 2020 election, the @DHSgov top watchdog, appointed by then-@POTUS45 Donald Trump, QUASHED A PAIR OF INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING THE @SecretService

Proves CRIMINAL INTENT re: deleting #Jan6th texts…
Read 3 tweets
May 18th 2023

Both DEMS & media need to stop describing individuals as "alleged", "self-styled" or other challenging term re: #whistleblower status.

They meet definition of being #WBer.…
2/If individuals made protected disclosure to supervisor in employee’s direct chain of command, an OIG or appropriate congressional committee or its members, they are protected #whistleblowers.

Doesn't mean they are credible or accurate, but attacking status undermines system.
3/I served as co-counsel to IC #whistleblowers whose complaint led to Trump's 1st impeachment (not our objective). Cong. Jordan was hypocritically a key attacker of WBer's lawful & legitimate status. It was wrong then, it is wrong now.…
Read 18 tweets
May 18th 2023
I have to stop reading the internet tonight. I have never been so disgusted to be a Nebraskan as I am right now. What is going on in our Unicam now is an affront to the citizens of this state that don't believe that government should play a role in any medical decisions.

This session hasn't been about doing the People's work, passing bills to make life better for ordinary Nebraskans. There's no property tax relief, no prison reform, or any decency. This is a hateful agenda, paid for by the #RickettsCabal and their (Catholic, rich) allies.

It's almost like this session, Senators saw what was happening in #Florida and #Texas and thought, "hold my beer." This agenda has been nothing but divisive and cruel, pushed forward a #Christofascist platform that tests the limits of the separations of Church and State.

Read 15 tweets
Apr 25th 2023


Perhaps I’m the only one who sees @TuckerCarlson’s departure from @FoxNews as good news.

If I’m a Democrat strategist, I want him there so that I can, by applying pressure to Murdoch, at least control him a little…. Image

Carlson, for example, after an initial rollout of the #Jan6th tapes, went silent on the subject.

He also gave no coverage to @DineshDSouza’s 2000 Mules film which exposed massive election fraud. Perhaps these reflect Carlson’s own opinions, but one suspects he was… Image

…receiving pressure from above.

In 1519, Martin Luther was invited to debates Papal representative Johann Eck, a ruthless rhetorician without scruples. Luther, still a naive academic, sought a fair hearing for his ideas. Eck’s goal was to label Luther a heretic.

When Eck… Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
@HouseAdmin 1/ The USCP had no intelligence about the Jan6 "insurrection"/#Fedsurrection/#Demsurrection because it watched only Trump supporters, who neither planned nor committed the violence. This is why the intel was negative Image
@HouseAdmin 2/ The email from Sean Gallagher to Schumer aide Kelly Fado was not legit intel. It was an attempt to falsely link Trump to the #Jan6th Capitol attack. It contained information which had already been investigated by @FBI and found negative for threats.…
@HouseAdmin @FBI 3/ The Special Assessment of Jany 3 was not legit intel. Deeply partisan, it looked like a product of Democratic party. Highly unusual, it was not distributed. cc @JudiciaryGOP…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
we know there are a lot of FEDERAL AGENTS in the crowd
outset we rolled out video, we couldn’t tell who they were. that’s what we need.”

“We disproved 3 lies that they’ve been telling about #Jan6th…
🎯 PART 🎯 91 #Jan6th #Capitol 2020 ELECTION
NJ OVERTURNS 2022 ELECTION after AUDIT but no Audit for 2020 yet due to #DominionVotingMachines
Patterson Election Ruled Irreversibly Damaged
🎯 PART 🎯 92
#Jan6th #Capitol info
@SpeakerMcCarthy released
41k hours of video
#Shaman released 14mons early due to video
Read 9 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Trump is a panicked man.

And when he's scared for his skin, he tries to incite violence.
2/ The ALLCAPS freakout is classic Trump.

He wants his followers to put their bodies between himself and a consequence he doesn't want to face.

And it also shows us he's living in a madcap information environment.
3/ Trump only started posting on his Facebook yesterday, for the first time since #Jan6th.

So far he's kept this bout of incitement on Truth Social.

Which suggests he may know it's incitement, and want to keep his FB live.

But the timing is very interesting.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
#Jan6th gaslighting continues.

Let's check in on LtCol Ret. Larry Brock:

"Seize all democratic politicians and Biden key staff and select Republicans (Thune and McConnell). Begin interrogations using measures we used on Al Queda... "

h/t @ryanjreilly
2/ Here's Lt. Col Ret. Brock with a set of keys trying to enter Mike Pence's office.…
3/ Government says that Lt.Col. Ret. Brock exercised a "command presence" over groups of insurrectionists.

Oh, and he allegedly concealed the zip tie restraints he carried when #Capitol police were present.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
US-Schriftstellerin Naomi Wolf entschuldigt sich nach den neusten Enthüllungen rund um den Sturm auf das US-Kapitol vom 6. Januar 2020: «Ich habe das alles geglaubt – bis die Lügen entlarvt wurden»…
Ich habe geglaubt, dass Präsident #Trump den Aufstand im #Kapitol angezettelt hat – weil ich nicht wusste, dass seine Ermahnung an seine Anhänger, sich «friedlich und patriotisch» zu versammeln, aus allen Nachrichten, die ich gelesen habe, gestrichen worden war.
Der 6. Januar ist, wie vom #DNC beabsichtigt, zu einem «dritten Gleis» geworden; eine Kurzformel, mit der die Bevölkerung u ein politischer Standpunkt kriminalisiert wird. Friedliche #Republikaner und Konservative wurden durch die von #Demokraten erzählte Geschichte dämonisiert.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
🟥🧵👇 When @TuckerCarlson releases his cherry picked vid this week to support a false narrative? Watch this video & remind yourself this was #Jan6th & when watching look for the long shot of the crowd trying to barrel through the doors.


And if that still leaves you unsure? Here's a playlist from YouTube from reporters & some on the ground videos made by peopJan6thle there -- to remind you of what really happened.…

And if you need even more convincing, here's a well-organized video list from @propublica of many of the videos from Parler that were dropped that day -- mostly by people that were participating in the #insurrection.…

#DemCast #jan6th #TuckerCarlson

Read 5 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Meet Nicole Sirotek, a former nurse who has become an anti-vaxx superstar and is using her platform not only to spread disinformation but also harass real nurses who are trying to debunk her lies

Sirotek shot to fame in 2020 for this video where she claimed NYC hospitals, then the epicenter of the pandemic, were murdering patients for money and compared the ICU to a Nazi gas chamber.


She quickly found fame in the anti-vaxxer community, speaking at the rally in Washington on #Jan6th and at a DC event hosted by @SenRonJohnson

She also set up American Frontline Nurses, a nonprofit that has raised tens of thousands of dollars to spread disinformation

Read 6 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
I am having a hard time finding any charges for @amyschumer involvement when more than 300 protesters, went to the US Capitol in Washington as they made a final appeal to senators to reject Brett Kavanaugh. Actually, I can't find any capitol breach charges.
I can't find any federal indictments on anyone.
We are not mad people being arrested inside the capitol building or the Hart Senate Office ?
Read 22 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
Having clients who entered in the East, we focused on the video record on that side of the building and have documented how there was actually very little violence. Various USCP witnesses have testified about a lack of shared intelligence and best estimates suggest #Jan6 #Jan6th
...there to have been perhaps 25% of the USCP staffing one should have expected. USCP rank and file were left in the dark and management seems to have had little presence or exerted almost no observable managerial leadership throughout the day forcing...
mid-level supervisors like Lt. Tarik Johnson and Lt. Anthony Warner to take filed command. Prior to the coordinated push through in the NE and East at ~1:57 documented here (that also documents Oath Keepers escorting speakers to a licensed event)…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
Really interesting article and must read. Aligns with what @visionsurreal, @jennycohn1 @gal_suburban myself and others have been finding.
Here is one thread we did on ATH at the Capitol on #Jan6th a few months ago cc @davetroy @TaylorMatthewD
@davetroy @TaylorMatthewD And at least one NAR flag made it into the Capitol crypt that day on #Jan6th. I believe this guy is still unidentified.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
Complete and utter disgrace.

Kevin McCarthy becoming speaker - after caving to the Freedom/Insurrection Caucus - IF IT HAPPENS - will be an historic American democratic obscenity.

And it won't even deliver a working majority. [fortunately]

#GOPSpull #Jan6th
Let the vommit fest begin. The world's most dysfunctional democracy, takes yet another giant leap backwards.
This is quite good. This could well get disorderly.
Read 33 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
January 6 Files: How Nancy Pelosi & The Deep State orchestrated a honey trap false flag event to smear Donald J. Trump & The MAGA Movement. #J6FILES #January6th #Twitterfiles #SaveAmerica

116. Antifa filmed trying to “blend in” with either a camo trump supporter attired MAGA red hat or back the blue police hat.
117. During the #J6 hearings, Adam Schiff doctored text messages between Meadows & Jordan. @FDRLST #Jan6th #witchhunt #January6thCommittee #Clownshow…

Read 96 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Ok I had alot to go in the report to find out what they said and couldnt wait to find out this info so i searched.... literally they said the trump motorcade sat on executive drive for 40 Mins while they were trying to clear his angry desire to go to #CapitolAttack as they
Are citing various concerns about all the weapons etc. So we are actually supposed to believe the pro trump ornato went against his furious demands this time? He did go to the capitol as evidenced in #proudboy Eddie block stream which the @fbi
Subsequently raided his house and confiscated all his livestream equipment I assume to close up this loophole but many people.have copies of this video so we know they are lying. Eddie block sees the motorcade arrive and knows to shut down the stream due to comms that happened
Read 11 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
Jan. 6 panel unveils report, describes Trump 'conspiracy'…

Woop.there it is. 90 pages of summary of evidence gathered lol wow. The #conspiracy of the @gop trumper #whitesupremacists #domesticterrorists #coupattempt is unveiled! #chudwatch
Let's see how accurate it is... I will post to this thread
Wow already executive summary pages 1-3 of chud tears some from military etc saying they were traitors to this country and are apologizing. The statements before the executive summary talk about what our country stands for..... #chudwatch
Read 105 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
'We are not a cult!' GOP senator insists that Donald Trump is not the 'leader' of the Republican Party -…
Any politician that not only is a 2020 election denier but has espoused the crazy ideology of QAnon that equates Dems as Satanic and hasn’t renounced these, said Trump lost and is a liar, or actually was involved in #Jan6th violent coup attempt IS in The Cult of Trump!
In my work I know many, many people who left the moon cult but still believe Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah as well as people who left Scientology but still believe Hubbard and his tech are great, IMPO are still indoctrinated cult members. Remember that my Influence Continuum/BITE
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Oct 30th 2022
Its even worse than this now. Fake 911 dispatches have been crested and circulated. Its a firehose of disinformation to make the obvious right-wing political violence towards the Pelosi’s appear to be anything else. #disinfo #Election2022
This is the perfect meme for all the @GOP politicians who refuse to condemn this political violence against Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi. Exactly how they couldnt condemn the attempted coup on #Jan6th after they were called out. Image
So the #FoxNews stories around the Pelosi assault suspect seem to be very conveniently neglecting to mention a very easy to find piece of information … that Oxane Taub or Gypsy Taub as she is better known is Russian and has made numerous trips back to Russia. Weird …
Read 5 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Per this GAO report FBI had reports back in Aug 17th 2020 for #Jan6th… Image
U.S. Capitol Police
October 27, 2020 may seek to
carry out attacks around Election Day Image
U.S. Park Police
January 4, 2021
U.S. Park Police noted that the probability of violent actions is likely, if opposing groups come into contact with each other.
Proud Boys leader was arrested on January 4 ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
#Exclusive from @RawStory:

Brian Gamble, QAnon promoter & Michael Flynn associate, showed up early at the barricades outside the Capitol on #Jan6th. He & friend Tim Hart were on the front lines of the group that pushed through the first police line /1
Hart, who currently faces 2 felonies for his role in the Capitol attack, reported back to the Patriot Soapbox after he & Gamble returned to their hotel room on #Jan6th.

"They weren't very prepared, were they? We were like, 'Man, that looks like a weak spot there.'" /2
On Jan. 6, Brian Gamble stood on a small staircase at the Lower West Plaza w/ Proud Boy James Hoel, who was recently elected alongside Michael Flynn to serve on the Sarasota County Republican Executive Committee. It is unclear whether Gamble & Hoel knew each other at the time. /3
Read 6 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Every time Ashli Babbitt trends,I will remind you:

Ashli Babbitt never imagined the Capitol Police would shoot her because the police rarely shoot white women, unless it’s a cop who shoots his wife at home. #AshliBabbitt #January6th…
Babbitt's mother apparently thinks #Jan6th “was an inspiring, uplifting patriotic day. It was a happy moment in her life. She just got to see Trump speak," and blames Capitol police and the FBI for the violence of that day.
Even when they join an insurrection, even as they pummel their way through the doors that held back the mob braying for violence from the upper echelons of the U.S. govt, white women are still remembered for the best versions of themselves.
Read 8 tweets

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