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Sep 23rd 2018
This should NOT be framed as a He Said, She Said
Whys the @GOP rushing to dismiss what SHE SAID. Fords allegations are supported by the fact that Kavanaugh,in his & Judges own words,seemed to have an alcohol & party culture. Its disturbing to look at ALL we already know..THREAD👇
👉Kavanaugh says 'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep'
👉The potential witness during the attempted rape refuses to testify & wrote a Memoir called 'Wasted'
👉Why are the GOP hiding 90% of Kavanaughs documents
👉It appears he already Perjured himself
👉Kavanaughs email after a "boys boat trip" mentions 'blacking out' & cautioned confidentiality-WHY?
👉Judges memoir is corroborated by Brett Kavanaughs own disturbing Yearbook entries
👉GOP indicate that even if Brett DID attempt to rape Dr Ford he should still be confirmed
Read 14 tweets
Sep 23rd 2018
Trump: Day 610
-155th Day at Trump Golf Club
-202nd Day at Trump Property
-Calls Immigrants "Drain on Country"
-Drafts E.O. Targeting Top Tech Co's
-Dr. Ford Scheduled 2 Testify Thurs
-McFarland Changes Her Story
-Tariffs Could Cost 715k Auto Jobs
-Pence Spoke 2 Anti-LGBTQ Group
Day 715 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 567 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 58 tweets

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