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Oct 7th 2022
Reflecting on today's fantastic #iMED2022, I am thrilled to share an app I've been creating to create high-quality🤓, collaborative🗺️, & dynamic 📈diagnostic #MedEd schemas!

Schematify App Here:
Check it out: 1/
Medical learning is all about the organization of a HUGE amount of (growing) knowledge😅

I loved the concept of a logical framework...but my handwriting, spelling and ability to hold onto paper documents is👎🙈

Plus, I wanted to be able to collaborate dynamically with YOU!🤩 2/ Schemas can help provide an...
Current tools (handwritten, PowerPoint, chart apps) all had their limitations and were not designed for medical trainees!

So I used @ThePSF #python 🐍with @plotlygraphs Dash and @Graphviz to develop a web tool that leverages the collaboration capabilities of @googlesheets 3/
Read 6 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
1/ Do you want to know tips & tricks for incorporating technology into teaching?

Here are the take home points from my presentation today at #iMed2022. Image
2/ First, remember that technology can *augment* teaching but can't replace good instructional design.

Just like a good stethoscope is helpful to hear a murmur but can't replace the skills and knowledge necessary to diagnose valvular dysfunction. Image
3/ So before you think about what technology to use, first think about:

*⃣ WHAT learners should able to do afterwards (i.e., learning objectives)
*⃣ HOW you should teach it to achieve your goals (i.e., teaching methods)

Then, and ONLY then, should you select a tech tool. Image
Read 12 tweets

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